Run Baby Run

"You're Vibrating

“What the fu…” I cut her off before she could say anymore.
This was Amus my best friend and I knew that even though I had Justin my boy friend it would be her I missed the most. We didn’t start off friends we started with a fight that got us both suspended and somewhere along the lines I realized I had totally miss judged her and we had a lot in common.

“I know that was my reaction as well” was what I cut her off with but her reaction was one of both anger and it looked like her eyes were swelling and about to burst with tears.
I decided to tell everyone at the same time so I didn’t have to re-tell my sad story over and over again.

Justin didn’t say anything he just looked at me with loss in his eyes like he wanted to reach out and grab me and never let me go but he didn’t, he couldn’t the girls had swarmed around me like an army. I think by this stage the warnings I had given him that my parents were looking for a house just over 3 hours away sunk in and became useful to him.

I heard his voice from the crowd ask the question everyone was too afraid to ask
“how long till you leave?”
I answered with pain in my voice “just over a week”
His face fell it was almost painful to look at him.
“so you don’t even have the holidays with us” Amus questioned
“nope not even my birthday”.
This conversation continued very much the same way questions and answers with no real joy in anyone’s voice.

A couple of days later Justin came over to help me pack we walked straight through my house grabbing an empty box each, for all my stuff and he said hi to my family. We’d been dating for half a year and he only lives down the road, so him coming over wasn’t anything new. We walked straight up to my room and closed the door.

I sat on my bed legs crossed and facing him this was something I didn’t want to face not only packing my stuff, but did this mean saying goodbye to Justin as well? He followed my lead and sat on my bed next to me looking into my eyes as I did his.

“I know what your thinking” he stated
I just look down at me feet knowing he was right
“we don’t have to do this” he paused “ well at least not now lets just have fun today one more day of not worrying about what tomorrow will bring”.
He placed his hand under my chin so that I would look at him once more and then he kissed me for only a moment and then I smiled at him
“one more day of just you and me”
“and we will sort the rest out later” he finished my sentence.

And with that he smiled a bright evil smile kissed me quickly on the lips and jumped up off my bed ran to the stereo and turned it on loud. On came We The Kings and I smiled he grabbed my hand and quickly spun me around to dance with him.

I knew that this would be the last time I really got to have fun with Justin, to just hang out and be ourselves and that after this day I had one more day of school and then I had to leave, leave him. But I would make the most of this day.

“throw it” I stated we were currently sorting out all my stuff packing what I wanted and throwing what I didn’t
“can I have it the?” he questioned. It was a simple bracelet that was brown leather and it wasn’t even mine I stole it off my cousin and continued to ware it everyday.

“how about we trade, ill give you mine” which was almost identical to the one I had only black leather instead “and ill take yours”
I smiled “ok” and we traded
The day continued very much like that listening to music and getting totally side tracked by each other.
“you're vibrating” I said giggling as I was sitting on him, he pulled his phone out of this pocket “its my mum” he answered.

“I have to get going Maree its 6.30 and my mum wants me home for dinner. Ill see you tomorrow ok?” it was almost like he questioned it
I nodded getting off him, and walked him to the door we said our goodbyes before he swept me up into a bundle of kisses this frightened me as I thought this could be the last time that this happens.
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Hi guys i hope its better then the first two
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