Run Baby Run

Wanna Skate?

Another few days passed and I had still not left my house unless you include my skate park incident and the beach with my family. Hey how about we forget that memory.
Oh and to think I had five more weeks of this before school starts.

I was waiting for this massive phone bill because I had spent so much time on the phone with Amus and Justin who had only apologized for missing my birthday like 101 times.
Now I sat around lazy assed as usual moping around as I was just constantly bored with this new life
And yea you may think im a brat but I didn’t want any part in this and this is also what my mother thought of me.

“for God sakes Maree you have everything in the world, your such a spoilt brat stop moping around and feeling sorry for yourself” she yelled as i walked down stairs

“why did we even have to move in the first place” I yell back my eyes filling with tears, and so she didn’t see I stormed out the door this time knowing exactly where I was going. The stake park. The only place that felt like home.

The park had every few people In it as it was almost too cold to be outside and the one day I forgot my hoodie at home. So I just sat in the cold waiting for nothing in particular.

“Can I sit?” a guy asked, it was the same guy I showed up the other day and he was well…beautiful looking. Looking at him now really for the first time he was tall and slender if I was 5’6 he was definantly 6’6, his hair was almost black and in a scene sort of style hanging almost to his jaw line and his eyes….they were painfully green but in a really good way.

“sit” I stated in a mellow tone
he sat “im Josh” he said “I guess we kind of already met though” he continued.


“im sorry I miss judged you the other day I guess im jut used to girls coming up here and trying to pick up and you didn’t have a board so I just assumed” he explained with a hopeful smile

“it ok…I guess that was fair enough” I smiled in return feeling slightly awkward
“so what are you doing here you don’t even have a board” he questioned
“yea I don’t own one” I paused and the continued “im new around here and I guess this is the only place that feels like home”.
“I take you don’t like it up here”
“im a city girl you know” clearly he didn’t know “ I skate and party and go concerts plus me and the sand don’t get along very well” I finished
first he laughed “fair enough….I’ve been here all my life so im used to it but I do know some pretty good party places and stuff”
I half smiled at him and it was kind of like he knew what I was thinking
“you really didn’t want to leave did you?”
“nope" I simply stated with a real smile on my face this time.
“well im afraid I may have to change your mind on that” he said playfully and I smiled playfully back in return. It was suddenly colder as the wind picked up and I shivered a little.

“look at you your freezing” and without another word he took off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders. It was a nice enough gesture but I mean I didn’t know this guy and I didn’t feel completely comfortable with it. I was about to object and say something and then I realized the instant warmth it provided and the smell of a mixture of baby powder and lavender that seemed to calm me.

“Wanna skate?” he offered
“hell yea” I giggled slipping my arms into his jacket and he helped me up off the floor.
I played around on this board for a while whilst he watched me make a foul out of myself trying to give me tips at the same time whilst trying not to laugh at me, I on the other hand was trying not to laugh at him not laugh at me.
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i like this new josh character
we will be seeing more of him