Run Baby Run

Fruit Loops

I walked down the stairs about 5 minutes after Josh had I had gotten changed into the spare pair of jeans I packed in my bag and borrowed a shirt off Josh, it was rather large on me falling 20 center meters above my knees and was cut in a slight v-neck that hung a little off my shoulder it was plain grey and quite cute actually. I fixed up my hair a little and dried it off some more so I wasn’t quite as cold. Josh had gone down stairs to see what he could find to eat and he was searching through the cupboard as I entered the kitchen sitting on the breakfast bar facing him with his back turned towards me.

He turned around “well don’t you look cute”
“thanks” I smiled I wasn’t used to this even with Justin we were just going out for so long there was no need for unnecessary flirting.
“so what is there to eat”
“umm… cereal” he almost questioned “but no milk I need to go shopping”
“fruit loops yum” I took the box off of him and popped one into my mouth and then threw one at the back of his head as he turned around again
“well was that really necessary?” he laughed
and I threw another
“lets watch a movie” hopping off the counter and jumping up and down on the spot.

He walked over to the couch I followed behind and sat down with the box of cereal still in hand he went and found a stack of movies for us to pick from. Wow us! This was fast what were we are we dating, or friends with benefits or just friends? Clearly I was the only one with these thoughts as he didn’t stop at all.

“okay our options are ‘Edward scissor hands’, ‘Juno’, ‘Step up’ okay and that’s it I don’t like the rest”
“Edward” I didn’t finish the name
he popped the movie in and grabbed the remote coming to sit next to me on the lounge our arms touched ever so slightly and it was like a strange sensation ran through my body.
“Maree your cold” he accused as he placed his arm around me pulling me closer so that I was completely leaning on him resting my head on his chest and in that moment I was glad I had been cold.

We stayed positioned like this for the entire movie laughing at each other as well as the movie and eating cereal without the milk throwing more at each other then we were eating.
The movie ended but we didn’t move until my phone went off and scared the hell out of the both of us.

“shit” we both exclaimed
“its my mum” I said pulling it out of my pocket
“let me talk to her”
“no josh”
“ill tickle you”
“no just let me talk to her” and I burst out laughing as he tickled and poked me in the side
and we both missed the phone call.
He stopped tickling me as the phone stopped ringing allowing me to call her back
“hey mum what’s up….okay….yea give me a few minutes im just at Josh’s place….okay…fine…sorry bye mum” was my conversation with her
“let me guess you have to go”
I nodded

By this time it was dark outside and the rain had stopped but it was still awfully cold
“hang on ill grab you a jacket and walk you home”
he came back with a black leather jacket that looked to be pretty worn out and put it on me, grabbing my hand as we walked out the door.
We got to my place in no time at all and there was really no reason for him to walk me but I wasn’t about to object to it. I was disappointed when I found my dad sitting on the veranda waiting for me it meant no goodbye kiss. Not that I even knew if I was going to get one or not we weren’t even going out but I could hope couldn’t I?

Instead I handed him back his jacket and hugged him goodbye he quietly laughed in my ear and I wasn’t sure why but I think it had something to do with my dad.
“ill see you soon okay”
“okay” I said as he walked back down the drive way and into the distance.
“have you eaten?” my dad questioned me
“yep” I replied joyfully

okay I hadn’t really, unless you count a couple pieces of cereal eaten but I wasn’t hungry and I didn’t feel like have some long in-depth conversation at the dinner table. Instead I was going to go hop into bed and call Amus and have a really long conversation with her.
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lol i posted a journal to try and get feedback and it worked lol
i also caused some controvasy which i secretly loved
hehehehe :P

so leave coments