I'm Coming for You, Baby

I'm Coming For You Baby

"Hey Ella baby. I'm back!" Bob called as he walked into his and his
girlfriend Ella's apartment.
He got no reply so he shouted again. "Ella honey! I'm home." He
stepped inside, still holding the flowers he got for her behind his
back. Again, he got no answer. He walked through the hallway and into
the kitchen to see if she was cooking. She loved to cook. And she was
bloody fantastic at it. Always making Bob dishes he would never in his
wildest of dreams have thought about even looking at, let alone
eating. But she made him eat them. And he loved them.
Almost as much as he loved her, but nothing could come near to his
love for the beautiful blonde woman. Ella Dream. She had amazing green
eyes that could light up the room, a perfectly tanned skin tone, a
stunning figure and the much loved by Bob long blonde hair. Oh how he
loved to run his hands through her hair every night before they went
to sleep, and every morning when they woke up. It was like silk.
Flowed exactly how you wanted it too. She usually wore the normal
attire, well normal for Bob or the rest of the guys, which was black
or navy skinny jeans, a studded belt, bright coloured or black wife
beater and a band hoodie. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to make
her stand out too much. She didn't want that. She didn't like people
looking at her. The only person she was really comfortable with
looking at her was Bob. And that was because Bob had always been there
for her. They had met in Kindergarten; fell in love at the age of 15
and still together at the age of 24. She had had a bad past which
caused her to feel the way she did about people looking at her, when
she was 13 she had been raped. Not the nicest of ways to lose your
virginity and especially at such a young age. As she was an extremely
small girl for her age the rape had resulted in her never being able
to have children. She always felt like she could not give Bob
everything he deserved. She could not give him a child so she felt
like she was not worthy enough for him. Bob however strongly disagreed
with her theory as he loved his girlfriend more than anything in the
whole entire world but no matter how much he told her this she would
not accept that.

The two of them had grown up together, lived through everything
together. Bob was the first and only person who ever knew about the
rape until the Bob and Ella had tried to have children, and failed.
She had had to go into the hospital to see what was wrong with her and
they had told her that she could not have children due to the fact
that her reproductive system had been so badly damaged.

Bob walked out of the kitchen when he saw that she was not in there
and carried on to the living room to check if she was there. "Ella,
where are you?" He still got nothing in reply to his question and he
walked back out of the living room.

When the two had found out she could not have children Ella had cried
for weeks. Nothing or no one could stop her from crying. Bob had
always been there to hold her and make her tears go away, but no
matter how much holding and comforting he tried nothing would stop
her. She started to push him away when she finally cooked up the
theory that she was worthless to him. He needed children. He was a
gorgeous man and he deserved to live a happy life and make little Bob
Juniors rather than stuck with Ella and never have the chance to start
a whole new life.
Bob would not give up on her though as she continued to push him away.
Telling him that he needed to get out there and live his life to the
full and not have to cope with a woman who could never give him what
he wanted. Bob had told her that as long as he had her he would be the
happiest man in the world and she had started to cry all over again
and fell into his arms. He once again, held her close and comforted
her. Kissing her forehead and hair at random intervals.

After about a month or so of Bob's persuasion skills she had given in
and realized that maybe Bob did love her and didn't care about

Bob walked out of the living room and into his and Ella's bedroom. He
checked around the room but there was still no sign of her. He knew
she was in, her car was there. And she always went to places that were
too far away to not bring the car. She had to be somewhere in the
"Ella, please. Where are you?" Bob's voice quavered as he thought of
the worst. Her problems sometimes got the better of her and she
sometimes would cut on her stomach and inner thighs.

Bob stumbled out of their bedroom and knew that the only place left in
the apartment where she could be was the bathroom.
He ran over to the door of the room and found it was locked. He pushed
against the door but it would not budge. In the end he decided that he
would have to ram himself into the door to break it. So he did.
He stepped a few steps back and charged at the door, breaking a hole
in the middle of the door.
Once inside he found Ella. She was standing over the sink with a razor
to her wrist and a deep gash over her vein whilst blood spilled down
her arm and into the sink.
He dropped the flowers he was holding and she looked up at him. Her
face was tear stained and red.
"I'm sorry." She whispered and then fainted.

"No, Ella. Come on honey, wake up." Bob cried as he held her in his arms.
He had called 911 minutes after she had fallen so the amount of blood
loss was masses. She had started turning a ghostly white colour rather
than her usual olive tan and her lips were going slightly blue.
Bobs tears ran down his cheeks as he gently rocked backwards and
forwards still clutching onto Ella's frail body as he waited for the
paramedics to arrive.

Bob checked for her pulse every now and then. It was extremely faint,
but at least still there.
He held her close and prayed to God that she would make it. Prayed to
God that the one thing he lived for would survive, 'cause if she
didn't, God only knew what he would do.

Finally the paramedics arrived and put her onto a stretcher and
carried her into the ambulance, allowing Bob to go with them.
The ride to the hospital was not a pleasant one and Bob held Ella's
hand the whole way, muttering "please be okay. Please baby. For me"
the entire ride.

Once they had got to the hospital Ella was taken off straight away and
Bob was told to wait in the waiting room.

It was a long wait, and Bob cried the entire time.
"Mr Bryar?" A doctor asked and Bob jumped up at the mention of his name.
"Y-yes?" He sniffed.
"I'm afraid to say, she did not make it. The blood loss was too much
and we could not fix her wound." Bob sunk back down onto his chair and
burst into a whole new fit of tears.
"You can go see her if you like." The doctor informed Bob and he
nodded slowly and stood up.

He followed the doctor into a room and saw his beautiful girl lying
there dead. He walked over to her and took her hand in his.
"I'm coming for you baby. I'm coming." He whispered and kissed her
lips one last time.
