A New Playing Field


Megan’s POV

China is incredible. It’s pretty different compared to America. It's the day before the opening ceremonies. The USA women’s and men’s soccer team were having a banquet together. I was really excited. We’ve had events with them before and those guys are a lot of fun.

Heather and I walked into the big room conference room. The room was huge and decorated with USA soccer posters and Beijing 2008 posters. Heather and I went to say hello to some of the guys who we hadn’t seen in a while. I sat at a table with a few good friends of mine. We ate dinner and caught up with each other. It was a good time.

When Heather and I got back to our room, we designated it phone call time. My family is on the plane, so that wiped out some of the phone calls I needed to make. I picked up my Blackberry and scrolled through it. I found who I was looking for and pressed send.

“Megan!" He almost yelled. Ah, I miss his voice.

“Hey Nick!”

“Hey! How are you? How is China?!”

“I am doing well. China is really cool! How’s the tour going?”

“It’s going great. We played Baltimore last night and now we’re on our way to Boston. It feels good to be on the East Coast again. What have you been up to?”

“I just got back to my room. The US women’s and men’s teams had dinner together. It was fun! There is a group of like six of us and we just have a great time together. We’re all really close.”

“Who’s the six?”

“It’s me, Heather, Amy Rodriguez, Stuart Holden, Patrick Ianni, and Michael Bradley.”

“Oh.” Nick paused. “H-how old are those guys?”

“Too old for me and no threat to you.” I laughed.

“Phew, I was sweating there for a second.”

“I could tell!” I said laughing.

“I miss you, Meg. I have the picture I gave you on the ceiling above my bunk. It’s the last thing I see before I sleep.

“Aw, I miss you too, Nick.”

“I guess that’s what happens when you’re famous and you like someone famous.” Woah, woah woah. Back it up. Did he just say what I think he said?

“You like me?”

“I was hoping I didn’t say that out loud but I guess I did. Yeah, I like you a lot Megan. I figured you could tell from what happened in the parking lot. This isn’t how I wanted to officially tell you though. But…yeah.”

“Well, I like you too, Nick. I can’t wait to see you again.”

“Right back at you. My family says hello by the way.”

“Aw tell them I say Ni Hao!”

“You’re learning Chinese?"

“It's such a hard language to learn! I only know the basics. You know, hello, goodbye, yes, no, where is the bathroom!”

“Haha, oh yes, where is the bathroom is a necessity!”

“You know it! Haha, well, I’m gonna head to bed. Big day tomorrow!”

“Opening Ceremonies, I’ll be watching!”

“Have a good show tonight, Nick. Miss you.”

“Miss you too. See ya later.”

“See ya, Nick.” I hung up. I really wish I could see Nick right now. I got ready and climbed into bed. I fell asleep with the frame Nick gave me in my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
kind of a filler. yeah. :)