A New Playing Field

Olympic Action

Nick’s POV

“The United States of America,” the announcer said during the Opening Ceremonies. In came more than 600 athletes walking in groups by sport. They were showing close ups and talking about a few key athletes. Michael Phelps: Swimming. Shawn Johnson: Gymnastics. Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh: Beach Volleyball. And there she was. Megan Gibson: Soccer. Megan looked beautiful with a big smile on her face. She was laughing with a girl I recognized as Heather.

“There is the youngest member of the women’s soccer team, Megan Gibson. She is an incredible case of talent. My daughter looks up to her and I am a fan of her as well,” said one announcer.

“I am too. And with Megan only being 17, I think it's undeniable that she has a lot of greatness ahead of her.” I smiled. He was right. I wanted Megan to have a great future in the game…and with me.

Megan's POV

It’s been two days since the Opening Ceremonies. I was sitting in the locker room with my Pump Up iPod playlist playing in my ears. As I laced up my cleats, my hands were shaking. I couldn’t get these nerves out of me. I stood up to loosen up and stretch out. Soon, everyone was standing and dancing, just like we frequently do before games. Coach turned off the music and delivered her pre-game speech.

Behind Christie Rampone and Kate Markgraf, our team jogged onto the field. The lights were bright and the noise level was high. We were passing a ball around as the Japanese team came out. I couldn’t look at them. I had my game face on and I was ready to go. Our teams lined up on the center circle line. They played the Japanese national anthem, followed by the American national anthem. Both teams made their way back to the bench area.

The announcer began to announce the Japanese starting line up. As the players' names were announced, the women ran over and shook Coach’s hand. “And now, the starting line up for the women of the United States!” I patiently waited to hear my name.

“At left midfield, #13, Megan Gibson!” This is really happening. I am really in China, I am really in the Olympics, and I am really starting the game. I jogged over to the Japanese coach, shook his hand, and high fived the other starters on my team. The starters ran to the center of the field. We had a team huddle and Christie gave us one last pre-game speech.

I ran over to my left field position. We had won the coin toss and the ball. Amy stood over the ball in the center circle with Abby just a few feet away.I was ready on my toes. I knew Abby was going to pass it back to Aly Wagner, and I knew what I had to do. I had to be open for a pass opportunity for Aly. But that was later, and this was now. Now, I just waited, waited for that whistle. TOOT. Game on.

The game ended in a 4-0 win. Abby scored first off of my corner kick. I scored the second goal, Heather scored the third, and Shannon Boxx scored the fourth. Overall, we played a great game and Coach was really happy. I checked my Blackberry while we were on the bus back to the hotel. I had one new voicemail.

“Hey you! It’s me. You probably know that. Anyway, I’m going to be honest with you right now. I’ve never actually seen you play before, but wow, I am so impressed. I can’t even put it into words! You are absolutely amazing! You should have seen me when you scored your goal. Everyone at the meet and greet stared at me. I tried to play it off all cool, but it didn’t really make up for my jumping and cheering. Haha, but really, you are amazing. Call me when you get a chance. No rush. You need your rest after a performance like that. I miss you. Talk to you soon Meg!”

I love Nick messages. He could leave a message that just said ‘Hey Megan' and it would still make me smile. Heather and I went up to our room. We quickly got ready and got into bed. We were very tired. One game down, multiple more to go.
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woo. :)