A New Playing Field

Comforting Calls

Nick’s POV

No more than five minutes later, my phone rang, as expected.

“Megan, I’m so sorry. How are you doing?”

“I’ve been better. My family booked a flight back to the States that leaves in two hours. I’m just…” She paused and I knew she was crying. “I’m just mad at myself.”

"You couldn’t prevent the heart attack, Meg.”

“I know. But Gramps, one of the most important people in my life, is gone. And I can’t even be there with my family to comfort them or to celebrate the life that he had.”

“When is the funeral?”

“Two days. The closing ceremonies are in three days. I technically can’t leave before then.”

“Ugh, I’m so sorry. But think of your Gramps. Would he want you to even consider missing the biggest event of your life?”

“I never thought of it like that. He was always one of my biggest fans. He would drive me to practice and games when I was younger. I wish you could have met him.”

“I wish I could have met him too. This sucks, Megan, I know it does. But you have to stay strong. Make tomorrow’s game the best you have ever played. Play it for him.”

“Nicholas, has anyone ever told you that you are amazing?”

“Umm…hmm…not recently I don’t think.”

“Well that’s because you are beyond amazing. I knew I could count on you to make me feel better!"

“Of course you can. I miss you, Megan. Hey, you’ll be home soon!”

“I know, but you won’t be.”

“I’ll be home two weeks after you get home. We’ve gone this long, so those two weeks will feel like nothing.”

“I sure hope so. Alright, I have to go help my family pack up. Then I’ll probably go to sleep.”

“It’s been a long day for you. You need rest for tomorrow. Will I talk to you before the game?”

“Probably not. The game starts at 10 am. I have warm ups at 9. So that’s 9 pm your time. You’ll be on stage.”

“Ah you’re right. The game is during a meet and greet. I’ll make someone move a TV into the room if there isn’t already one.”

“Aw I love your dedication. Thank you for your support, Nick. Have a great show tomorrow night.”

“I enjoy supporting you. And it’s even nicer when I get the same support back. Thank you. Good luck tomorrow, Meg. You’ll be great.”

“Thanks. Goodnight Nick.”

“Night Megan.” I hung up. I don’t even have to be in her presence to know that I am falling for her. I know that when I see her, I’m going to fall even faster. But for now, I knew what I had to do.

The rest of my family was awake. I told them about the unfortunate events that struck Megan’s family. I told them my plan and my parents are allowing me to go through with it. Good thing we had the next three days off.

That night, we played a great show. There was a lot of energy and the fans never seize to amaze us. We went backstage after the show to change before the meet and greet. As I pulled my clean shirt over my head, I checked my phone for the time. 9:58. Megan's game starts in two minutes.

“Mom, can you have someone check if there is a TV in the meet and greet room?”

“There is hun. It’s in the corner of the room.”

"Thanks Mom.” I gave her a quick kiss and hug and left with my brothers and Big Rob for the meet and greet. The TV was already on ESPN when I got there. Since our fans have a tendency to scream, I quickly ran over to the TV and put it on mute so I could read the subtitles. One of the commentators was talking and they were zoomed in on Megan.

“I give a lot of credit to Megan Gibson. She found out her Grandpa died yesterday and her family flew back home, yet here Megan is, appearing to be more focused than ever. She’s only 17, but an incredibly strong girl in many ways.”

The camera zoomed in on her cleat. “Megan wrote on her cleats, ‘Gramps’ with a heart in memory of the family member she just lost. She also wrote ‘NJ’. She’s from New Jersey originally, so she’s giving a shout out to her roots.” My jaw dropped.

“Dude, did you see that NJ?” Joe asked.

“Do you think it’s—”

“Of course it’s you bro. And she fooled the press with the whole Jersey thing. She’s good!”

A permanent smile was left on my face. We did the meet and greet and watched the game at the same time. When Megan scored a goal, I jumped and started yelling. Everyone stared at me, but I didn’t care.

With Megan’s goal, the US Women’s National Soccer Team became Olympic Gold Medalists with a 1-0 victory over Brazil. Big Rob was driving my family to the hotel they’d be staying in for the next three days. Before he drove them there, he made a pit stop. I said goodbye to my family, put on a disguise, and walked through the airport. I took my seat on the plane. Next stop: Los Angeles.
♠ ♠ ♠
what's Nick doing?!?
you'll find out next post!

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