A New Playing Field

Video Chats

Megan’s POV

I couldn’t stop looking at my new gold medal! Nick called me and told me how proud of me he was. My family did the same. Don’t get me wrong, I was so happy, but there was a part of me that was still extremely upset that Gramps’ funeral was starting soon and I wasn’t there.

Nick’s POV

A driver picked me up at the airport and brought me back to my house. I took a quick power nap. I’ve missed my bed. When it was time, I got dressed and grabbed my backpack, got in the car, and we drove until we reached my destination.

I stepped out of the car and shut the door. I took a deep breath, and walked in. There were a lot of people there. I saw a lot of tears and a lot of hugs. Kristen saw me first.

“Oh my…Nick?”

“Hey Kristen. I’m so sorry for your loss.” I greeted the rest of the family.

“Nick, what are you doing here?” Susan asked me.

“We have three days off so I flew out here and I fly back to Washington, D.C. tonight. I have something for Megan. I know how badly she wanted to be here.”

“What did Megan say when you told her you were coming here?” Kristen asked.

“She doesn’t know I’m here.”

“Wow Nick. You flew across the country on your day off to be at a funeral for someone you never met to do something for Megan? You must really like my daughter,” Susan said.

“I do, Susan. I really do,” I said with a smile as Susan gave me a hug.

“I’ll call Megan up and eventually hand the phone over to you.” Susan dialed Megan’s number and waited for an answer.

“Hey sweetie…everything is going fine, there are a lot of people here…we’re fine, how are you…I know you’re upset honey, someone told me how badly you wanted to be here…a surprise guest…here, hold on.” Susan handed me the phone.


“Nick? What the—what are you doing in California?”

“We have the next three days off. So I flew out here after the meet and greet, and after the funeral, I’m flying back to D.C.”

“Nick, why would you do that?”

“I’ll show you. Make sure your Mac is on and I’ll talk to you in a few minutes.” I hung up and handed the phone back to Susan. I took my Mac out of my backpack and turned it on. I went online and double clicked Megan’s name, creating a video chat. Megan appeared on my computer screen.

“Hey Meg. I know how badly you wanted to be here at the funeral. So, I’m gonna leave this chat on. If you want to talk to someone, they can talk to you. If you just want to watch what is going on, I’ll set it up so you can see. The reason I’m here Megan, is to make you here too.”

Megan covered her mouth with her hand and began to cry.

“Nick, I seriously don’t think I will ever be able to thank you enough for this. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

“It’s my pleasure.” Just then, Susan approached me with an elderly woman. “Hold on, Megan.” I stood up and went out of the camera’s view.

“Nick, this is my mother,” Susan said.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

“Please, call me Grams. Susan told me what you are doing for my granddaughter and I already like you. Is that her right there?”

“Sure is, Grams. Just look into that little hole on top of the computer, and Megan can see and hear everything you do and say.”

“This means so much to me as well. Thank you so much.” She gave me a hug. She is such a sweet lady. If Gramps was anything like her, he must have been amazing.

“Megan, sweetie,” Grams said.

“Grams! Oh my gosh. How are you? I’m so sorry I can’t be there.”

“I’m fine, sweetie. You are here, kind of. Thank you to this very nice young man.”

“He’s great, isn’t he Grams?”

“He sure is. You have my full approval.” I smiled and walked away to let the two talk.

A few minutes later, everyone took a seat. Susan went to the microphone to say a few words about her father. People took turns telling stories and saying nice things about Gramps. I had the laptop on my lap facing away from me so Megan could see and hear the speakers. Grams finished speaking and was sitting down when I turned the laptop around to look at Megan.

“How ya doing?” I asked her.

“Nick, can you do me a favor?”


“Can you bring me up to the microphone? I have something to say.” I looked around. Kristen was next to me and nodded. “It’s okay, do it,” Kristen mouthed to me. I stood up and went to the microphone.

“Hi everyone. My name is Nick Jonas. I never got the opportunity to meet Gramps, but I wish I had. He sounds like an amazing man. The reason I am here is to physically represent Megan. Although she is in China, I have her here on web cam so she can sort of be here. Megan has a few words to say so,” I put the speaker to the microphone, “Go ahead, Meg. You’re all set.”

“Thank you, Nick. Hello everyone. I wish I could physically be there to celebrate Gramps’ life with you all, but unfortunately I can not be. Gramps was the first thing that ran through my mind when I scored the goal in the final game. I knew he was cheering for me in heaven, just as he did my entire life. He was always one of my biggest fans. We will all miss him very much. Things won’t be the same, but he is with us in spirit and will always be in our hearts.” There was a pause. “Nick, I’m done.”

I sat back down. Megan said her goodbyes to her family and to me. The Gibsons said goodbye and thank you to me one more time. I headed back to the airport. I once again put on my disguise and walked through the airport. I boarded my plane and headed back to D.C. to meet up with my brothers and get back on tour.
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aww :)