A New Playing Field


Megan’s POV

Nick and I decided it would be better if we didn’t make a huge goodbye scene at the airport, so we said goodbye at the hotel. He held me in his arms.

“I’ll be back in L.A. in a week. We’re starting to film our show, so we should be there for a while.”

“I’ll be waiting. Have a great last week of the tour.”

“Thank you. Call me when you land.”

“Will do. See ya later.” We kissed one last time before Kristen and I left the hotel.

One Week Later

The week went by decently fast. Nick and I talked on the phone at least three times a day and constantly texted. I could not wait to see him. It’s never easy to be away from your boyfriend, especially in a new, growing relationship. But luckily, the Jonas family is on their way home. I semi-patiently waited while watching TV.

When I got a text from Nick saying he was fifteen minutes away from his house, I quickly got into my car, drove ten minutes to his house, and parked out front. I sat on the Jonas’ front steps and waited. I saw the bus turn the corner and my face lit up with a smile. The bus pulled into the driveway and I stood up. The bus door opened and Nick came flying down the steps.

“Hey you!”

“Welcome home, Nicko!” Everyone calls him Nicky, but I wanted to be different. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. At that moment, I couldn’t be happier. Nick and I could now be in the same state for more than one night. I greeted the rest of the family and helped them bring things into the house. Paul ordered a pizza. We ate together around the kitchen table.

“Nick, did you tell Megan about tomorrow?” Kevin asked.

“Jeeze, I completely forgot! Megan, guess what!!”

“What?!” I said, trying to imitate his level of excitement.

“You’re on Jay Leno tomorrow. So are we!”

“No way!” I was shocked!

“Yeah! Someone canceled last minute and they called us up and asked if there was any chance we were free and we are!”

“Wow, this is so cool! Who else is gonna be on the show?”

“Um, some guy who is bringing weird animals. I can’t remember his name.”

“Oh, this will be way too much fun!” I said laughing.

After pizza, Nick and I went into the basement alone and watched Juno. Nick and I cuddled under a blanket, his arm around me and my head on his chest.

“I can’t even tell you how happy I am right now,” Nick whispered.

“You don’t have to. I’m feeling exactly what you’re feeling.” I smiled at him.

“I melt when I see your smile. Did you know that, girlfriend?”

“I was unaware. I melt when I hear your voice. Did you know that, boyfriend?” Nick smiled and kissed me. We watched the movie until it was time for me to leave. I didn’t want to, but I had to. Nick, being the gentlemen he is, walked me to my car. He opened my door, I hopped in, and he shut it for me. I rolled down the window.

“Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe," Nick said.

“Aw, you’re too cute.”

“Well I won’t sleep until I know you’re in the comfort of your own home.”

“Nick Jonas, you are the sweetest. I will text you when I get into bed?”

“Perfect.” We kissed. I think it is safe to say that was the best kiss we’ve had so far. As I drove off, I saw him standing in his driveway watching me. I smiled. When I got home, I quickly got ready for bed and texted Nick.

1 Sent Text Message: Nick Jonas
11:48 pm- I’m safe and sound in my bed. Goodnight my favorite :]
1 Received Text Message: Nick Jonas
11:50 pm- Good, now I can sleep! I’ll call you tomorrow. Goodnight babe!

I placed my phone on my nightstand and smiled. I was definitely going to sleep well tonight!
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