A New Playing Field

Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Megan’s POV

I was at the Jonas’ house for a few hours, just hanging out with the boys. I went home and got ready for Leno. Mom and I left for the studio when it was time. When we arrived, we were escorted backstage. The Jonas Brothers were already there. I knew this because Nick had texted me and told me so. A man led my mom to her seat and a woman led me to a dressing room with “Guests” written on it. She opened the door and stepped in. I followed her.

“Megan Gibson, these are the Jonas Brothers,” she said.

“Yeah, we’ve met before,” I replied.

“Oh, well I’ll let you catch up then. Jay will be in in a few minutes to say hello.”

“Thank you.” I watched her walk out the room. As soon as the door shut behind her, the four of us started cracking up.

"Jeeze Meg, we have so much to catch up on! How have you been in the last hour?!” Joe asked, still laughing.

We sat and talked in the room for a while. Ten minutes after the woman left us, the door opened. We all looked up.

“Hey everyone,” Jay Leno said.

“Hey!” we all replied.

“I’m Jay. You must be Megan. Congrats on the medal!”

“Thank you! It’s so nice to meet you!”

“You too! Ah, boys, nice to see you guys again. Great new album, by the way.”

“Thanks so much,” Kevin said.

“Alright, this is the agenda for today’s show. I’m gonna go out, do my usual thing. Then there is a new hilarious segment of Jaywalking. Megan is going to come out first, then the Jonas Brothers. Then Jeff will bring out some animals, and you guys are gonna play with them, if that’s alright with you guys.”

“Yeah!” we replied in unison. This was going to be interesting, and I’m very glad it’s going to be on tape.

“Then you boys will perform Burnin’ Up and Tonight. We’re starting in about ten minutes. So I’ll see you all out there!” Jay turned for the door, but then Nick spoke up.

“Oh, Jay! Wait, I have a question.”

“Yeah Nick, what’s up?

“Have you by any chance heard the new rumor about me?”

“No, can’t say that I have.”

“Okay well the new rumor is that I’m dating Selena Gomez. Can you ask me about it?” I blushed.

“Yeah, sure?” Jay looked confused. “So you want me to say like, ‘Nick, I heard a rumor that you’re dating Selena Gomez, is there any truth to that?’”

“Yeah, perfect. Thanks so much.”

“Not a problem,” Jay said walking out the door. When the door shut, Nick turned to me and smiled. He backed up against the door and held out his arms. I walked over and gave him a hug.

“You ready to do this?” he asked, pulling away.

“Yes," I said kissing him on the cheek. We all walked out of the room towards the stage. Jay did his monologue and the segment of Jaywalking played, which was really funny. I went out wearing my gold medal and Jay asked me the typical questions—how I started out in soccer, my feelings after the game winning goal, my family, what I do in my spare time, etc.

Nick’s POV

Megan’s interview ended and Jay introduced us. I sat next to Megan, Joe sat next to me, and Kevin sat closest to Jay. With Jay, we talked about our tour, our family, and our album. I was waiting for Jay to ask me about Selena. My stomach was jumping all over the place.

“Well, on a different note,” Jay started. This is it; here it comes. I saw Megan fidget in her seat a little bit. “The press is always looking to dig up dirt on you guys because you come off like you're just perfect. So the new rumor, Nick, is that you’re dating Selena Gomez. Is it true?”

“No Jay, it’s not true. I would like to announce that I am currently in a relationship, but it is not with Selena Gomez. Selena and I are just friends.”

“I think hearts just broke in the audience, Nick. Can you tell us who the lucky lady is?”

“Well, actually, my girlfriend happens to be sitting right next to me.” I saw Kevin and Joe smile. I put my arm around Megan’s shoulder and pulled her into a hug.

“No way! Seriously?" Jay asked. He seemed very surprised.

“Yeah,” Megan added with a smile.

“I am happy for you both.”

“Thank you very much,” I said.

“Wow, I’m honored to have news like that announced on my show! Megan, I’m praying for your safety. Stay away from huge crowds of teenage girls.”

“Haha, yeah, I just may have to do that,” Megan said.

“Well if our fans are true fans, they’ll be happy for Nick,” Kevin said.

“Yeah, fans shouldn’t be mad at Nick for being happy or Megan for making Nick happy. We don’t want any threats against Megan’s life or anything. Threatening is a very unattractive quality in a girl,” Joe added.

“Very well said guys,” I said, laughing.

"So Joe and Kevin, are you single?”

“We are,” Joe said, laughing a little.

"You heard it ladies. Joe and Kevin Jonas are single, but if you threaten people's lives, they won't even consider you." The crowd starting laughing.

“Alright, well when we come back, Jeff is going to come out with some weird animals. And Megan Gibson, the Jonas Brothers, and I are going to play with them! Stay tuned, we’ll be right back!”

“And…CUT!” I heard. Megan and I let out two huge sighs. We stood up and hugged and the audience cooed. We forgot they were there. Joe and Kevin stood up to give us hugs as well.

“I’m proud of you both,” Kevin said.

“Thank you, Kev,” I said. We sat back down.

So, I wonder what kind of animals this guy has?
♠ ♠ ♠
the world officially knowss!