A New Playing Field

Test Results

Megan’s POV

It’s been a week since the day at the beach and everything is perfect between Nick and me. I started up practice again. It feels good to be back with the team. The Jonas Brothers have finally begun filming their TV show, which is keeping them rather busy. I’ve gone to the set a few times to watch, which is very cool. I also got to go to the Video Music Awards with the guys as Nick’s date. I met a lot of cool people and got to see Michael (Phelps) who I haven't seen since Beijing! It was a fun night.

The house this week is kind of empty. Mom had a fashion showcase in Paris, so she and Dad left for France a few days ago. Kristen began her senior year at UCLA and Mike began his sophomore year at USC. I have three hour practices every day, and when I come home, I find Colin doing random things. That’s Colin for ya, incredibly chill and easily entertained.

I woke up late that Saturday morning to someone shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes slightly to see Colin sitting on my bed.

“Hey Col, what’s up?”

“Can you take me to the doctor today?”

“Yeah, I guess. What’s wrong?”

“I think I have an overactive bladder or something. Lately I’ve been going to the bathroom so many times in one day. And because I go so much, I’m drinking more than like ten Poland Springs a day. Things have changed with me and it’s weird.”

“Okay. I’ll call the doctor and see if he has an opening for like, really soon. I have practice at 3, and it’s…11:30. I didn’t know it was so late. Whoops."

“Thanks Meg." I went downstairs and found the phone book. I dialed the doctor’s number and waited for someone to answer. The secretary at Dr. Morrison’s Pediatric Practice told me that they weren’t very busy right now and Colin could come in now.

I ran upstairs, poked my head into Colin’s room, and told him to get ready. I sent a text message to Nick telling him where we were going. I got ready and ran downstairs. Colin was waiting in the kitchen so we left. Dr. Morrison’s office is in Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. When we got to the hospital, I went to the secretary.

“Hi, Colin Gibson is here for an appointment.”

“Ah yes, Dr. Morrison will be ready to see him in a few minutes.” Colin and I sat in the waiting room. Colin and I have been seeing Dr. Morrison since we moved here. He is a really nice guy and a good friend of my family. The secretary called Colin’s name and lead us to a room. The door opened and in walked Dr. Morrison.

“Colin, Megan, it’s been a while. How are you guys?”

“Good, how are you Dr.?” I asked.

“Good, thank you. By the way, congratulations!”

“Thank you very much!”

“So…Colin, what seems to be the problem?”

“Well, I’d say the last two weeks or so, I’ve been going to the bathroom a lot more than I ever have been. And because I’m losing all the fluid, I drink ten plus Poland Spring bottles a day. I don’t know if it’s like an overactive bladder or something.”

“I see. Can you go stand on that scale for me?” Dr. Morrison’s facial expression changed from a happy face to a nervous face when he read the scale. “Okay, you can sit back down now. Colin, I’m gonna run some tests. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Nope, do what you gotta do.” I watched nervously as Dr. Morrison performed some tests on my little brother. Colin is one of my best friends and I don’t want anything to be wrong with him. Twenty minutes later, all the tests were done and Dr. Morrison left the room. As Colin and I waited for the results, Colin looked really nervous. I got up from my chair and walked over to him.

“How are you?”

“Nervous. What if it’s worse than an overactive bladder?”

“No matter what it is, you have an extremely loving family that will help you with whatever you need. Things are gonna be okay.”

“You don’t know that, so stop saying that,” Colin snapped. I was caught off guard by his sudden shift in attitude when Dr. Morrison walked in.

“I have some results here."

“Am I dying?” Colin asked.

“No, no, no, of course not.” Colin sighed with relief and so did I. “The good news is you don’t have an overactive bladder. But—”

“But?” Colin asked.

“But what?” I added.

“Since the last time you were here, you’ve lost eleven pounds. When I just tested your blood sugar, it was 730. The normal is between 70 and 120. Colin, you have Type 1 Diabetes.”

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked. Colin sat there, speechless and in shock.

“I’m afraid not. The main symptoms are present—weight loss, an out of control blood sugar level, frequent bathroom trips, drinking a lot of water, attitude changes.”

“Wow,” Colin said when he finally spoke.

“I’m going to transfer you to a room in the real hospital. You’re going to have to spend two nights there, to learn about Diabetes and how to manage yourself and things like that. Does anyone in your family have Diabetes?”

“Not that we know of,” I said.

“Do you know anything about it?”

“My boyfriend is actually a diabetic, so I’ve been trained to give him Insulin in case of an emergency.”

“Well that’s a coincidence. I’m going to go set up a room for you, Colin. Then we’ll transfer you in. Are you okay?”

“Just shocked, that’s all.”

“That’s normal. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” Dr. Morrison left the room. Colin and I hugged in silence for a few minutes. I pulled away.

“Colin, things are going to be fine. If Nick can play rocks concerts, film TV shows, run between photo shoots and interviews every day, and travel the world, you can still do everything you’ve wanted to do in life. This won’t stop you. You have a very loving family who is going to be with you every step of this thing and who will help you with whatever you need whenever you need it. And I’m sure Nick will be glad to help you out in any way he can, especially these next few weeks. I love you, little brother. This is going to be okay.” I wrapped my arms around Colin and pulled him into a hug.
♠ ♠ ♠


hey, does anyone want to make a banner?!
that'd be super cool!