A New Playing Field

Perez on Team Megan

Megan's POV

When I got back to the hospital, my parents were already there! “Mom! Dad! Hey!” I gave my parents hugs. I was happy to see them.

“Hello sweetie. We heard about the article. I never liked that girl,” Dad said.

“Yeah, I decided I’m gonna make a comment. It’s not gonna be a big deal or anything they can twist around to make me sound bad, but it’s just gonna prove that her little comments don’t bother me.”

“Your father and I are very proud of you, Megan, with how you are dealing with this and with how you handled the Colin situation. You showed great responsibility and maturity.” I smiled at Mom when she said this.

As Mom started telling us about Paris, I took a piece of paper and a pen and began drafting exactly what I was going to say to People. When I had it the way I wanted it, I read it to my family and they approved. I went into the hallway and dialed the number that called me earlier.

“People magazine, Pamela Sanders speaking.”

“Pamela, hey, it’s Megan Gibson.”

“Hi Megan. Sorry for the confusion earlier today.”

“That’s okay. I had just gotten back from practice when I got your call.” There was a lot of commotion in the hospital hallway just then. A nurse was yelling at a doctor to report to the emergency room immediately.

“Are you in a hospital?”

“Yeah, I am actually. Yesterday, my younger brother was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, so I’ve been in the hospital with him.”

“Oh, what’s his name? How old is he?”

“His name is Colin and he is 15.”

“Wow, I’m sorry. That’s unfortunate.”

“We’re dealing with it as a family. It makes you realize there are more important things in life than what other people think of you.”

“I was surprised at Miley’s comments. Do you wish to comment on them?”

“Miley’s comments don’t bother me. She has the freedom of speech. But every professional works hard to be where they are. Even though Miley and I are professionals in different areas, that doesn’t mean I don’t work hard. I don’t think any professional athlete will appreciate her comments.”

“How do you feel about the purity ring comment?”

“She’s right with the fact that I don’t wear a purity ring. Even though I don’t publicly show that I believe in purity until marriage doesn’t mean I don’t believe in it.”

“And then she said you’re not good enough for Nick.”

“The only time I ever met Miley was at the Teen Choice Awards back in early August. I don’t know her and she doesn’t know me. I am not sure someone can pass such a strong judgment like that one on someone they don’t know.”

“Alright, thanks Megan. Just to let you know, I will be writing this article. I'm a fan of yours, so I will in no way change your words or anything to make you sound rude or something."

“Thanks so much, Pamela. I hope to meet you sometime soon.”

“Maybe that can be arranged. Thanks again, Megan.”

“Not a problem. Have a great day.” I walked back into the hospital room and told my family about my conversation with Pamela They were all very proud of the way I handled things. I texted Nick to let him know that I responded and that the author of the article is on my side.

That night, Nick came to the hospital to visit Colin. Kristen was checking her email and surfing the internet on Colin’s laptop while everyone else asked about Nick’s TV show.

Kristen started laughing and we all looked at her.

“Haha, I’m on Perez. Let me read you his latest post entitled ‘This Is Why No One Is On Team Miley!’ In a recent interview with People, slutty Cyrus made comments bashing on innocent Megan Gibson! Miley says that Megan is a professional athlete and professional athletes don’t work hard. Hey Miley, are you a professional athlete? NO! Do you have any right to say athletes don’t work hard? NO! Miley then goes on to say, and I quote, ‘I clearly have more fame than her, and Nick and I dated for longer than he and Megan will.’ I think it’s clear to everyone that no matter what she says, she wants Nick, but can’t have him, so she has to take it out on Megan. OH, and Miley can predict the future now? If you add fortune telling to her list of talents, that brings the list to a grand total of…one! I hope Megan comes out with a response to this. I, Perez Hilton, am on Team Megan 110%!"

“If you’re on his good side, that guy is awesome,” Nick said laughing. Later that night, Dad, Kristen, and Mike went home. Mom was going to spend the night with Colin in the hospital. I drove Nick back to his house and went inside for a few minutes to talk to his family. I was in the kitchen with the boys and Denise when Paul came him.

“Guys, I have news. Tomorrow night you have a show in San Francisco, so we are gonna spend the night up there and come back the next day.”

“But Dad, tomorrow night is James’ roller blading party! I can’t miss it!” Frankie whined.

“I’m sorry, Frank, but I think you’re gonna have to.”

“NO!” Frankie yelled, storming out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

“He has been looking forward to this party for like a month,” Joe said.

“I feel really bad,” Kevin added, as Nick agreed.

“Let Frankie stay with me for the night,” I said.

“Oh Megan, I don’t know,” Denise said.

“Denise, my family would love to have him around. I’ll bring him to the party and pick him up. It’s the least I can do. It’s the least my family can do. You’ve been such a great help to Colin. Please, let him stay with us for tomorrow night.”

“Your parents won’t mind?”

“They won’t, but I’ll call them anyway.” I called Mom and told her the situation. She said she would love to have Frankie stay the night with us.

“Well I’ll go tell Frankie the good news!” Paul said.

“Can I tell him?” Paul smiled and nodded. I made my way upstairs and knocked on Frankie’s door. “GO AWAY!” he yelled.

“Frankie, it’s Megan. Can I come in?”

“I guess so,” Frankie replied. I walked into his room. I had never been in there before. It was your typical young boy’s room. There were toys everywhere and a poster of his brothers on the wall.

“Well, I have good news for ya kiddo.”

“There isn’t any good news. I can’t even go to my best friend’s party.”

“Oh, yes you can!”


“I convinced your parents to let you stay at my house tomorrow night. I told them I’ll take you to the roller rink, and then you can sleep at my house in our guest room. They said it is okay, only if you want to.”

“Of course I want to! Megan you are the coolest person ever!” Frankie jumped on me and gave me a huge hug.

“No problem Frankie! We’re gonna have a super fun night!”

“Can we stay up late watching movies and eating junk food?!”

“Not too late, but yes, we can watch movies and yes, we can eat junk food!”

“This is going to be the best night ever!” I was happy to see Frankie so excited. I stood up and knelt down by his bed.

“Climb on,” I said. Frankie hopped on my back and we went downstairs to join the rest of the family.
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comments? :]

P.S. it was just brought to my intention that there is a well known softball player named Megan Gibson. I had no idea! They are not supposed to be the same person, it's just a coincidence!