A New Playing Field

Spending Time On Set

Megan’s POV

When I came home from practice the next morning, Colin was sitting in the family room eating a bowl of cereal. “Welcome home, kid!”

“Thanks. It feels good. Hospitals suck,” Colin said with a mouthful of Fruit Loops. Colin was starting to get the hang of testing himself and counting his carbs. A lot of the time, I would sit with him to keep him company while did what he needed to do.

After I said goodbye to Kristen and Mike, who had to go back to school, I took a shower. When I went back downstairs, I found Colin still watching TV.

“Did you hear we have a house guest tonight?” I asked. Colin looked at me and shook his head no. “Frankie Jonas is staying at our house tonight.”

“That’s sick. I’ll have a little brother for a night! Haha, why is he gonna be here?”

“His best friend’s birthday party is tonight and the guys have a show in San Francisco. He wasn’t going to be able to go to the party and he was severely upset. So I told them as thanks for helping you out, Frankie could stay here for the night.”

“That’s awesome and very cool of you to offer that.”

“Thanks. So is this what you plan on doing all day, watching TV?

“You bet,” Colin said laughing. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.

“Get up. Let’s go. You’re coming with me.”


“We’re gonna go watch the guys film. It’s so cool, how they film it and all the equipment and stuff. You’re gonna love it. Go get ready, we’re leaving soon!”

“Sweet!” Colin said running upstairs.

Nick’s POV

“I have an idea,” Joe said.

“What’s that?” asked Kevin. There was a long pause.

“My idea is…that I need to learn my lines a little better.”

Everyone burst out laughing. “CUT!” Tom yelled. We tried the scene again and nailed it, so Tom gave us a ten minute break. When I walked off set, I saw Megan and Colin.

“Oh hey you two!” I gave Megan a kiss and gave Colin a high five.

“Dude, this is so cool,” Colin said, looking around at everything.

“Colin,” Joe yelled from across the room, “come here!” Colin ran over to Joe as Joe showed him some other equipment stuff. I gave Megan a better kiss, now that Colin was gone.

“How are you today, babe?” She pulled me into nice kiss that I was not expecting at the moment.

“I’m good, and how are you?”

“After that, I am fantastic. I’m gonna miss you tonight, though.”

“Same to you, but it’s only one night. We’ve done worse, it’ll feel like nothing.”

“Why are you always right?”

“It’s a gift,” she said, laughing. When Megan laughs, I laugh. It’s contagious.

“I can not tell you how excited Frankie is about tonight. He’s been talking about it all morning. He’s had his bag packed since last night.”

“I told Colin about it and he’s excited to see what it’s like to have a little brother! We’re gonna have fun.”

“I’m getting a little jealous that I’m not gonna be there. Promise me that Frankie won’t take my number one spot on your favorite Jonas brother list.”

“What makes you think you had that spot to begin with?” I let go of Megan and crossed my arms. I turned around and looked at my feet.

“Nick.” Megan tried to turn me around but I wouldn’t budge. “Will my favorite Jonas please turn around and look at me?” I looked at her over my shoulder.

“Your what?”

“My favorite Jonas,” Megan said, slipping her arms around my stomach. I turned around and put my arms around her neck.

“Now that’s better,” I said. Megan pressed her lips onto mine, gently at first. I deepened the kiss, pulling her body closer to mine than imaginable. We stayed as we were until we were interrupted by a 'cough'.

“Hey Megan, it’s nice to see you. Nick, we’re back on set in two,” Tom said. As Tom walked away, Megan and I started laughing. We shared one last kiss before I ran back to set.

We shot one more scene. We originally planned on shooting two, but we had to leave to get to San Francisco. I gave Megan a big hug and kiss before leaving the studio.

“I’ll call you after the show to say goodnight,” I told her. Frankie came running over with his backpack.

“Hi Megan! Hi Colin! I’m ready!”

“You better be ready, Frank. We’re gonna show you how the Gibson’s chill back,” Colin said.

“I can’t wait to chill back! Let’s go already!” Frankie said, tugging on Megan’s hand.

“Frank, go give your parents and brothers a big hug and kiss and then we’ll go.”

Frankie did as he was told. He saved me for last. I bent down on one knee so I was at his eye level.

“Frankie, listen up. Be on your best behavior for the Gibson’s, okay? When Megan says go to bed, go to bed. If Megan tells me you were good, I’ll give you a present.”

“What kind of present?!”

“You’ll have to be good to find out, now won’t you?”

“I will.” Frankie gave me a hug. “Have a good show. Don’t miss me too much.”

“Oh I’ll try not to, Tank. Love you.” Frankie grabbed Megan’s hand.

“Love you too, Nick.”

“And I love you,” I said to Megan, giving her a kiss.

“Love you too, Nick. Let me know when you get to the venue.”

“I will,” I said, watching Megan walk out with Colin and Frankie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, Frankie J :)
