A New Playing Field

Birthday Surprise

Megan’s POV

Before I went to practice, I sent Nick a happy birthday text. I was looking forward to tonight. Nick was completely clueless about what I had planned. Everyone invited had kept the secret from him. I was a little nervous about people like Joe, who tend to let things slip out in conversation, but everyone did a great job.

After practice, I had a text from Nick saying he has "news". It better not be anything that could harm tonight’s plans. When I got home, I showered quickly. I had last minute errands to do before tonight. Nick was filming a few scenes for the show, so I didn’t have to worry about lying to him about where I was. I went home and got ready. I packed a few things into a bag because I am spending the night at Jonas' house. When I was ready, I got into my car and drove to pick up the birthday boy.

Nick’s POV

I was in my room trying to figure out what to wear for dinner. I finally settled on an outfit—a red button down shirt, a white skinny tie, a black jacket with the sleeves rolled up, dark blue jeans, and a pair of red Chucks. Now that I was ready, I went downstairs.

My family had gone out to get pizza, so I waited alone for Megan to pick me up. I was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, I was speechless. Megan was wearing strapless white dress that hugged her body perfectly.

“Happy birthday baby! Hey, we kind of match!” Megan said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“You look stunning,” I said, kissing her on the cheek.

“Look at yourself! So what’s this news?!”

“Ah, yes.” I reached for my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. I handed it to Megan and waited for her reaction. She opened it and saw the piece of plastic.

“You got your drivers license?!”

“Yeah! Sorry I didn’t tell you, I wanted to surprise you. I owe you many rides.”

“Yes you do! I’m so happy for you!” I smiled and held out my elbow for Megan to grab.

“Shall we?” Megan nodded, grabbed my arm, and we walked to the car. “So can you tell me where we’re going?”

“You’ll see,” Megan said. After a nice drive, we pulled into a parking lot that I recognized.

“Do you remember this place?” Megan asked, turning the engine off.

“This is the place that your dad’s friend owns right? The name is coming to me. Um...Paradise Cove!”

“Excellent memory, Nicko!” I held the door open for Megan as we entered the restaurant. “Our table is this way.” Megan grabbed my hand and led me around a corner.

“SURPRISE!” My jaw dropped to the floor. My family, Megan’s family, and all my friends were standing right in front of me under balloons and a huge 'Happy 17th Birthday Nick!' banner.

“Oh my god!” was all I could mutter out. I was shocked! Megan had a huge grin on her face as she pulled me into a hug.

“Did you plan this, Meg?”

“Yes, I did. Do you like it?”

“I love it! Wow I am shocked! This is amazing. I love you, thank you so much!”

I said hello to all of my guests. Joe laughed at me for believing the pizza thing. Now that I think about it, my family did look a little overdressed for pizza. Oh well. All of my Disney friends were there, including some I haven’t seen in a while.

After a couple hours of dancing and having a great time, most people were sitting down at tables talking, laughing, and resting. I was sitting at a table with Megan and some others when Kevin spoke into the microphone.

“Hey everyone.” When the place was quiet, Kevin continued. “Right now, we’re gonna have an open mic type thing. If you want to say something to Nick, you can come on up. There are a lot of people here, so try and keep it short and sweet if possible. Alright, I’ll go first! Nick, I don’t know who or where I would be without you. I look up to you, even though I’m the older brother. That’s how awesome you are. So happy 17th little bro, I love you.”

I went up to the stage and gave Kevin a hug. I figured I should just stay up there. Joe came up next.

“Kevin basically just stole exactly what I was gonna say. Thanks a lot, Kev.” Everyone laughed, including Joe. “I just want to stress what Kevin said about looking up to you because I feel the same way. Nick, I am honored to call you my brother. I love you, happy birthday el presidente.” I gave Joe a hug as my parents came up. Dad took the microphone first.

“I have enjoyed watching Nicholas grow as a person and as a musician throughout these past 17 years. Happy birthday son, we’re blessed to have you.”

“Wow,” Mom started, “I can’t believe my second youngest is already 17.” Everyone laughed. “Nicholas, words can’t describe how proud of you I am. You are an incredible young man. I love you so much. Happy birthday!”

As my parents headed back to their seat, I saw Frank the Tank strutting his stuff on his way to the stage. I handed him the mic when he approached me.

“Short and to the point…Nick, you’re the best brother ever. I love you.” He looked up at me. “Done,” he said handing me the microphone.

Everyone laughed as I gave him a hug. My friends started coming up to the microphone, some in groups. Some sang me little songs and Mitchel even rapped for me. As Demi sat down, Megan stood up and began walking towards me.

“Save the best for last, huh?” I whispered into her ear. She smiled at me.

“Hey everyone! I just want to thank you all for coming and making this night as special and as awesome as I had hoped it would be for Nick. I also want to congratulate you for a job well done with the secret keeping! Thanks for that as well. Nick, I hope you had a really great day today. Happy birthday again, and I love you.” I gave Megan a kiss and pulled her into a tight hug while everyone cooed.

“Get a room!” Joe yelled. Megan blushed and turned to go sit down but I grabbed her hand and intertwined her fingers with mine.

“First, shut up Joe! Second, you guys really did do a good job. I had absolutely no idea this was being planned. Thank you for spending my birthday with me, I love you all. But I especially want to thank Megan. It is to my understanding that she put a lot of time and effort into this. I can’t thank you enough of this, Megan. I love you.” Everyone clapped for Megan, including myself. Megan smiled at everyone and at me.

Just then, Mom came towards the stage with a guitar shaped cake that said ‘Happy 17th Nick’. Everyone sang to me and I couldn’t help but smile all the way through it. I cut the cake and ate my piece. Vanilla cake with chocolate icing. My favorite.

As the party came to an end, I said goodbye to all the guests. Everyone commented on how great the party was. I agreed and told them not to say that to me, but to Megan. I had the best night ever, but it wasn’t over yet.
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i love birthdays. they're so much fun!

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