A New Playing Field

Gift Giving

Nick’s POV

My family was sitting around the family room. My parents and Kevin were on the couch, Frankie was on Kevin’s lap, Joe was on a chair, and Megan and I sat on the floor. After I opened the presents from the other guests, it was time for presents from the most important people of all.

“I want to go first!” Frankie yelled, jumping off Kevin’s lap. He ran over to me and handed me an envelope. Inside the envelope, there were two tickets and a piece of paper.

The paper said: 'This piece of paper means special Nick and Frankie time. Tomorrow, Nick and Frankie are going to Legoland by themselves (well, with one bodyguard). We’re gonna have a great time. Love, Frankie!’

“Legoland?! Tank, that sounds awesome! This is a great present!” I gave my little brother a hug.

“I had some help,” Frankie said, hugging Megan. “Thanks for your help Meggy!” he said quietly, but loud enough that I was able to hear it. Megan gave him a smile. Joe and Kevin handed me a present with two parts.

“These are both from your spectacular older brothers,” Joe said. I unwrapped the top present. Heroes seasons one and two on DVD.

“I can’t wait to watch those…..with you,” Joe said laughing. I opened the other present and it was a pair of shoes that I just mentioned I really liked.

“Wow guys, these are great. Thanks so much,” I said, hugging my brothers. My parents got me a new Diabetes dog tag because mine got a huge scratch on it. I said thank you and goodnight to my family. As they headed upstairs to bed, Megan and I stayed sitting on the floor.

“So, how’d you help Frankie with that gift?”

“Well the night he stayed at my house, he told me he wanted to get you the perfect gift and he was really upset because he didn’t know what to get. Legoland was one of my suggestions.”

“Thank you,” I said, kissing her forehead. “Do you want to watch a movie before bed?” I asked.

“Yeah sure, but you are forgetting a gift.” Megan reached from behind the couch and pulled out a bag. “It’s from me.”

“You already threw me a party. That was the best gift I got all night, seriously.”

“Nick, just open it.” I reached for the bag and took out the tissue paper. I pulled out a photo album. The cover said ‘Nick Jay and Megan Gee.’ Under it was a red heart with '8.26.08’ written inside it. I stared at the cover.

“It’s kind of cheesy but—”

“Not at all,” I said as I turned the cover. The first page was nicely decorated and had two pictures, one of me and my brothers and one of her on the red carpet at the Teen Choice Awards. Along the bottom, it read ‘Before.’ The next page was a picture of all four of us together, and along the bottom, it read ‘After.’ I flipped through the pages Megan had done, each page better than the last. I got to a page that only said ‘Nick’s Surprise 17th Birthday Party!’ across the top. The rest of the book was blank as well.

Megan pushed the bag towards me and motioned for me to look inside. I reached into the bag and pulled out a box. It was a brand new Kodak digital camera. I looked at the box, and then at her.

“Before you say you can’t take this, because I know you were going to,” Megan laughed a little, “let me explain. I didn’t necessarily buy this for you, I bought it for us. We are going to make the rest of this book together and this is what we are going to use to take our pictures.”

“Megan, this is so awesome.” I stood up, took her hands and pulled her up with me. I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my lips against hers. I pulled away and hugged her tight. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m glad I did it. I can not wait to continue this book with you.”

I grabbed Megan’s hand and led her to the basement. I put Big Daddy, one of Megan's favorites, in the DVD player and joined Megan on the couch. Megan pulled the blanket over us as I put my arm around her neck. She leaned into me, resting her head on my shoulder and one arm on my stomach. Megan fell asleep not long into the movie. I watched her sleep for a little bit. She looked so peaceful and so beautiful.

I slightly changed my position, being extremely careful not to wake Megan. Now, I had Megan in both of my arms, and I felt completely comfortable. I shut my eyes and fell asleep instantly, exhausted from a night I will never forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
little short, but it's closure to the birthday night :]
