A New Playing Field

You Roll Out Of Bed Looking Hot

Megan’s POV

When I opened my eyes in the morning, it took me a few seconds to realize where I was. When I figured it out, an instant smile creeped onto my face. Nick had an arm around my shoulder and an arm resting on my arm that was on his stomach. My head was on Nick’s chest. I could hear his heart beat as my head rose up and down with every breath he took.

I glanced at the clock on the TV, 7:59. Practice today started at 10 and Nick and Frankie were leaving for Legoland at 10:30. I lifted myself up so my hand was flat on Nick’s chest. I ran my fingers through his curls with my other hand. I leaned into him. I knew he was awake when he started intensely kissing back.

“Well hello there,” I said, pulling away.

“Good morning, my dear." Nick glanced at the clock. "Megan, are you crazy? It's so early."

“I guess I should not have woken you up to say goodbye. I should have just gotten up and left, leaving you to wake up down here all alone.” Nick grinned and kissed the top of my head.

“Do you really have to go right now?” He pouted.

“I have to get ready for practice, and you, my friend, have to shower before Legoland!”

“Legoland, I forgot! And you forgot the boy in front of that friend.”

"Okay. Rewind! And you, my boyfriend, have to shower before Legoland!"

"That's better. But are you saying I smell?"

"What if I am?"

"Then you better take it back."

"Oh yeah? What happens if I don't take it back?"

"You don't want to know."

"I do want to know."

"Alright Megan Rose Gibson. You asked for it." Nick's hands found my sides in the matter of seconds. He began tickling me like crazy. I, being very ticklish, started squirming and screaming.

"Nick, stop!" I managed to choke out between laughter and screams. When Nick refused, I yelled louder. "Nicholas Jerry Jonas, you stop this tickle fest right now!"

"Do you take back what you said?" Nick asked, tickling me even more.

"Yes! Fine! You don't smell!" Nick removed his hands from me and I jumped off the couch.

Nick laughed at me as he stood up on his feet. Upstairs, I gathered all my belongings before Nick walked me out to my car. Nick was still in his plaid pajama pants and white undershirt. His curls this morning were out of control.

“You amaze me,” I said to him from inside my car. He crossed his arms and leaned on my car, sticking his head in the window.

“And why is that?” he asked, flirtatiously.

“You roll out of bed looking hot. You're just naturally gorgeous.” Nick leaned into my face like he was going to kiss me, but stopped when his lips were just inches from mine.

“I could easily say the same about you,” he said, before pressing his lips to mine. “I enjoyed falling asleep and waking up with you in my arms."

"Well I enjoyed being in your arms all night! So what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to go shower."

"Are you kidding me? I had to sit through all that tickling for NOTHING?!"

"Yup. I love you, Megan!"

“I love you too. Have fun at Legoland! Unleash your inner child!” Nick backed away from the car laughing as I put it in reverse.

“Oh you know I will!”

When I got home, I ate a quick bowl of cereal. I changed clothes, grabbed all my gear, and headed off to practice.

After practice, I had one new voicemail and one new text. I listened to the voicemail first. “Hello Megan, this is Pamela Sanders from People. I just wanted to let you know that I finished the article and it was put on our website last night. I also have something else to discuss with you, so if you could call me back at this number, that’d be great. Talk to you soon!”

I was really excited about the article being done and released. But then I grew curious with what she had to discuss with me. Next, I went to the text.

1 Received Text Message: Nick Jonas
11:46 am- This place is amazing. I might be having more fun than Tank :]

I smiled with satisfaction knowing that my idea was turning out to be such a success. I came home to an empty house. My parents and Colin went to visit Mike at college for a few days. They are bummed about missing Nate tomorrow.

That was a joke. Colin extremely dislikes Nate with passion after what happened. I think it’s a good thing Colin won’t be seeing him.

I ran upstairs to my computer and went to People’s website. The article was really good. Pamela quoted me directly and didn’t change any of my words. The article was slightly slanted in my favor. It implied that Miley is insane, but didn’t directly say anything bad about her, so Pamela couldn’t get in trouble. I emailed the article to Kristen and Mike. I printed out a copy to show Nick and his family. I took a quick shower and decided to call Pamela back.

“People magazine, Pamela Sanders speaking.”

“Hey Pamela, it’s Megan Gibson. How are you?”

“I’m doing very well, thank you. How about yourself?”

“Good, thanks. I just read the article. You did a great job!”

“Thank you! I am so glad you like it. My boss liked it too so that got me some brownie points! I spoke with my boss and pitched an idea that she ended up loving and gave me the go ahead to ask. I would like to do an article on you and Nick. It’d have an interview and a photo shoot with it. If you or Nick don’t want to, that’s not a problem. It’s just an idea.”

“Wow Pamela, that’s awesome! I’m going to have to talk to Nick, and he’s out right now. I don’t want to interrupt but can I talk to him tonight and call you back?”

“That’s perfect. I’m in my office until six. After that, you can leave a message.”

“Sounds great. I’ll be in touch. Thanks again, Pamela!”

“Talk to you soon, Megan!” I pressed end and smiled at my phone. I programmed the number into my phone. There is something about Pamela that I like. She seems very sweet and very honest. I really like the vibe that she gives off.

I did some things around the house to kill some time. Before I knew it, it was 3:30. If I remembered correctly, Nick and Frankie were leaving Legoland around 4. So I figured it was okay to text Nick now.

1 Sent Text Message: Nick Jonas
3:32 pm- Sorry to interrupt bro time, but are you doing anything tonight?
1 Received Text Message: Nick Jonas
3:35 pm- Hanging out with my girlfriend, I hope?
1 Sent Text Message: Nick Jonas
3:37 pm- That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. We have to talk. Nothing bad :]
1 Received Text Message: Nick Jonas
3:39 pm- I’ll call you when I get home!

I hope Nick wants to do this thing with People magazine, because I do. I think a photo shoot as a couple would be so much fun. It kind of would be our first interview together. I don’t think Jay Leno really counts. I think Nick will say yes. Why not, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
kind of a filler. sorrrry!

next chapter is importante!