A New Playing Field

Old and New Boyfriends

Nick’s POV

Kevin drove to Megan’s with Joe in the front seat and me in the back seat. As soon as Kevin parked in the driveway, Joe jumped out of the car and sprinted towards the backyard. Kevin and I just looked at each other and shook out heads. Neither of us had to say what we were thinking because we were thinking the same thing—Joe is crazy.

When Kevin and I walked through the back gate, I saw Joe shaking hands with a boy who had to be Nate. He was a little taller than Joe with dirty blonde hair. Megan noticed us and gave Kevin a quick hug.

“Nate, this is Kevin.” As they shook hands, Megan threw her arms around my neck and I pulled her into a hug. “And this is Nick.” Nate took one step closer to me and shook my hand.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked.

“Not much man.” Nate slipped his hands into his pocket. I could tell he was uncomfortable.

“Is this your first time on the west coast?” I asked, trying to be nice.

“It’s my first time in California. I’ve been to Seattle.”

“Hey Nate, what was little Megan like back in the day? I’m just curious,” Joe said, laughing and nudging Megan's arm with his elbow.

“Megan was a lot like she is today. She was just as sweet, caring, energetic, and beautiful as she is now.” Nate paused and looked at Megan. “She was a great kisser too,” he said, smiling.

What did he just say? Megan looked shocked and embarrassed. Joe and Kevin exchanged glances. This dude can not talk about my girlfriend that way. That’s just not okay.

“There was no need to add that last part.” My words surprised Nate.

“Oh, is she not a good kisser anymore?”

“That’s just disrespectful. You can’t talk about girls like that, especially my girlfriend. It’s rude. I don’t appreciate that and she doesn’t appreciate that.”

“He speaks for you now, Meg?”

“He’s right. What you said was uncalled for.” I smiled as Megan backed up what I said. Nate noticed my smile and didn’t like it.

“What? You’ve been dating for like a month and you think you know everything about Megan? I dated Megan for two years. I know Megan.”

I was trying to keep composure. If Megan wasn’t there, I would have verbally torn this kid apart already. But I decided to be the bigger person, for my sake and for Megan's sake.

“You know nothing about me, Nate. Things are different than they were a year ago. You don’t know who I am anymore. A lot of things about me have changed. You honestly expect to still know me after completely stopping all communication with me for nine months?” Nate was silent.

“Owned,” Joe said, disguising it in a cough. I bit my lower lip, holding back my laughter. Nate, however, did not find it as funny as I did.

“I know I made a mistake Megan, the biggest mistake of my life. I was emotionally torn that my girlfriend was across the country and the only person that could make me feel better wasn’t around.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s not like I was going to give up my dream for you. I wouldn’t have given up the chance to be on this team for anyone.” I was really proud of Megan. She was defending herself very well against this idiot kid.

“You could have called,” Nate snapped.

“So it was my fault? My vigorous practice schedule, intense home schooling, and lack of phone calls drove you to throw away twenty-four months after one month?”

“Pretty much.”

“You can’t blame Megan for what you did. She was busy. She was doing her job. From experience, it’s completely unfair to call what happened between you two Megan’s fault,” I chimed in.

“This doesn’t really concern you,” Nate responded.

“I think it does. I don’t want to have to comfort my upset girlfriend later over your unreasonable accusations.”

“Nick, you don’t really know anything. None of you know us as Megan and Nate, Nate and Megan.”

“Last time I checked, there is no Megan and Nate or Nate and Megan. You screwed up and you lost Megan. That is your fault. All the blame is on you. Megan has moved on and I think it’s time you do that too.” Nate glared at me, before turning to Megan.

“I never stopped loving you. I still love you.”

Did Nate just confess his love for my girlfriend? I turned to face Megan to see her reaction. Her facial expression was shocked, like she witnessed a horrible crime. Megan wasn’t saying anything. The backyard was completely silence. All of a sudden, I felt an arm snake around my lower back. As Megan pulled her body closer to mine, I put my arm around her neck pulling her further into my grasp.

“You can feel whatever you want Nate. But I am in love with this boy right here and I could not be happier.” Nate looked to the floor and slid his hands into his pocket.

“Well I think it’s time I get back to my family. It was nice to meet you guys.” Nate shook Kevin’s hand and Joe’s hand. When he stood in front of me, he held out his hand. I reluctantly shook it with mine.

“You have a really great girl, Nick.” I nodded once at Nate and Megan led him into the house.

When he was seeing her, you could see he had his doubts…,” Joe started singing when Megan and Nate were no longer in sight.

“When he was seeing her, you could see he had his doubts.
And now he's missing her because he knows he's missing out.
Now it's haunting him. The memories like a ghost.
He's so terrified ‘cause no one else even comes close.

He's a guy that you should feel sorry for.
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more.
I owe it all to the mistake that he made back then.
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend.

So then, along comes me, this undeserving mess.
Who would believe my life would be so blessed?
Two years ago, when he left all that debris.
Who would of known it would be everything I need?

He's a guy that you should feel sorry for.
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more.
I owe it all to the mistake that he made back then.
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend.

If it wasn't for him, I would still be searching.
If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know my best friend.
If it wasn't for him, he would be able to see.
If it wasn't for him, he’d be as happy as me.

She and I settled down, you can bet that he is going to have to settle for less.
He's someone that I would hate to be.
I got the girl and he's left with just the memory.

He's a guy that you should feel sorry for.
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more.
I owe it all to the mistake that he made back then.
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend.

If it wasn't for him, I would still be searching.
If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know my best friend.
If it wasn't for him, he would be able to see.
If it wasn't for him, he’d be as happy as me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Credit: "My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend" by Relient K.
love that song!

anyway, yeah! two moree.
comments?! xoxo