A New Playing Field

A Long Goodbye

Megan's POV

The last few days went by extremely fast. The boys were getting things prepared for tour so they were very busy. As I stood in the front of the Jonas’ house, watching them load up the buses, it dawned on me that they were leaving for three months. That’s like two and a half Olympics back to back.

I said goodbye to Frankie, Paul, and Denise. Each goodbye was harder than the one before it. Part of the reason for that was because as I finished one goodbye, I realized I was one goodbye closer to the one that was going to be the hardest.

“Meg-A-Mania.” I looked up as Kevin walked towards me.

“Kevy bear.” I flashed a half smile.

“Come on, let me see that killer smile of yours.” I smiled, only because Kevin asked. “That’s much better. You hold down the fort here, okay? We’ll be back before you know it.”

Kevin pulled me into a tight hug. I love Kevin like a brother. I have so much respect for his honesty and loyalty. He doesn’t have one mean bone in his body. He cares about anyone and everyone. Kevin is so happy living his life, and I look up to that.

“Megan, are you going to call yours truly everyday?”

“You know it, Joseph.”

I also love Joe like a brother. It’s impossible to feel sad or upset around Joe. He knows exactly what to do and exactly what to say to make you feel better. He doesn't even try. It just comes natural to him, which is absolutely amazing. Joe pulled me into a tight hug.

“I love you little sister. Remember that.” Joe said, pulling away.

“I know big brother. I love you too.”

“I know the goodbye coming after mine is going to be the hardest. In these last few days when we’ve been running around like crazy, Nick’s been a wreck. He tried to rush through everything so he could see you and have more time with you. Nick is so in love with you. Everyone can tell. It’s like he has it written across his forehead. I have no doubt you guys will get through this just fine.”

Joe hugged me one last time before walking towards the bus. Joe’s last words were replaying in my head. As I watched Joe walk away, I saw Nick standing there. His head was pointed towards the pavement and his hands were in pockets.

“It’s true,” Nick said, looking up at me. He started walking towards me and I ran into his arms. We hugged silently as the tears began to flow down my face harder than they already were. I never wanted to let him go. I never wanted him to let me go. He placed his hands on my waist and my hands met behind his neck.

“I know you hate goodbyes. I am so sorry. It kills me inside to see you like this. You know I’ll call you everyday. It might be in late hours of the night or in the early hours of the morning. I apologize ahead of time, but I’m going to need to hear your voice at the end of a long day to be able to get to sleep. I want you to know that I’ll be thinking of you all day, every day.”

“Same to you. You’ll have fun. You’ll put on the fantastic shows you always do.”

“You’ll have fun, too.” Nick pulled his hands away and took off his sweater. “Here, keep this.” I took the sweater in my hands and held it.

“Mmm, it smells just like you.”

“I love you, Megan. I can’t tell you enough.” Nick pressed his lips against mine and we made out in his driveway for a few minutes. When he pulled away, he said those four dreaded words.

“I have to go.”

“I love you so much, Nick.”

“I love you just as much.”

Nick grabbed my hands and kissed me one last time. He started to walk backwards towards the bus, our hands intertwined. I felt my grip of his hand slipping. Our fingertips touched until he was too far away. Just before stepping onto the bus, he stopped and blew me a kiss. I blew one back and the bus doors shut behind him. My eyes were like waterfalls.

As the bus pulled away, the whole family was at the window waving. I could see tears on Nick’s face. The bus turned out of the driveway and out of sight. I looked around and surveyed the emptiness of the Jonas’ driveway and house. I realized I have no purpose being at this house, my second house, for three months.

I sat in my car outside their house for twenty minutes. The car was silent except for my sniffling. I wanted to cry into Nick’s sweater to pretend I was crying into his chest, but I was too scared the sweater will lose its scent. I felt my phone vibrate so I slid it out of my pocket.

1 Received Text Message: Nick Jonas
2:35 pm- Just checking to see if you made it home okay?
1 Sent Text Message: Nick Jonas
2:37 pm- I haven’t exactly left yet. I’m still parked in front of your house…
1 Received Text Message: : Nick Jonas
2:38 pm- A little piece of me broke inside reading that. I’d give anything to hold you right now and make things better.
1 Sent Text Message: Nick Jonas
2:40 pm- I’d give anything for that too. I’m gonna head home now. I’ll text you when I get there. I love you with everything, Nicholas.
1 Received Text Message: Nick Jonas
2:42 pm- I love you with everything and more, Megan.

As I drove home, my mind raced with thoughts. If Joe were here, he would be doing something odd and I would be laughing. If Kevin were here, he would be listening and I would be venting my feelings. If Nick were here, well, then I’d have no problem at all. Three months seems like a really long time right now. I hope this goes by fast. For my sanity, I need this to go by fast.

“It’s gonna be a long goodbye.
I just can’t get you off of my mind.
It’s gonna be a long goodbye.
The further you feel, the deeper I cry.
Into darkness, without you I’m heartless.
It’s going to be a long goodbye.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Credit: A Long Goodbye by John Gregory

So that's it for A New Playing Field! Thanks you everyone who read and subscribed! You guys kept me writing and updating.

The sequel will be up SOON and I will let you know HERE when it's up so you guys can rush over and read and subscribe to that.

The sequel starts off with a bang! You don't want to miss it.

Thanks again! love you all xoxo