A New Playing Field

Can You Say...Fake?

Megans' POV

“Are you excited?” Nick asked me. I was sitting in the back of a SUV with the Jonas Brothers. Big Rob was driving us to Miley's house for an after party.

“Yeah. I'm a little nervous though,” I responded.

“Why are you nervous?"

“Well all the musicians and actors that are going to be there all know each other. It's kind of intimidating going to a place where everyone is already friends."

“I’ll hang out with you all night, if you want,” Nick said with a smile.

“I’d love that,” I said with a flirtatious smile.

“Don’t worry Megan. We know a lot of people and you know us. So by association, you will know a lot of people,” Joe said, trying to act like he was Mr. Cool. When we walked inside, there were people everywhere. Every direction I looked, I saw a person I have heard on the radio or a person I have watched on TV.

Nick’s POV

Megan looked overwhelmed as soon as we stepped into Miley's house. It was then I realized that I shouldn’t leave tonight and I was completely fine with that. The night was going great. Megan and I were really getting to know each other and the more I knew, the more I liked. She is more amazing than I thought she was. Megan and I were in the backyard, mingling by the pool, when I heard that dreaded voice.

“Ohh Nickkkkk!” Ugh. “Nick! There you are. I have been looking for you all night!” Miley hugged me, but I didn’t hug back. I looked at Megan and rolled my eyes.

“Hey Miley, nice party. We are having a great time.” Miley looked confused at my use of the word we. Then she looked at the Megan, and her smiling face turned to an angry face, but only for a split second.

“Megan! It’s so nice to see you here! Congrats on the award tonight, girl!” Miley was being so fake. I could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

“Thanks Miley, same to you.”

“Thank you, thank you. I’m going to go say some more hellos. You two have fun!” She walked in between the very small gap between Megan and me, pushing us apart. Megan started laughing.

“What are you laughing about?” I asked her.

“I’ve never seen fake taken to that level before.”

“So you noticed too?” I laughed.

“How could I not? I don’t get it though. She doesn’t even know me and already she doesn’t like me?”

“It’s not you she doesn’t like. It’s you being here with me that she doesn’t like.”

“I can deal with that,” she said, flashing that gorgeous smile.

“Good, me too," I said, smiling back. "Ugh that girl. She’s been in love with me for years.”

“Didn’t you guys date or something?”

“That’s what she told the press. But I have never dated her nor have I ever liked her as more than a friend. Keep this on the down low, but I don’t really even like her as a friend. But for publicity and for Disney and stuff, I put on a front.”

“Nick Jonas, I know you are a great singer, but I didn’t know you are quite the actor as well! I wouldn’t have guessed.”

“Yeah well, what can I say?” We were together all night. We talked, we laughed, we flirted. This was one of the best nights I’ve had in a while, and it was all thanks to Megan Gibson.

Megan's POV

This was one of the best nights I’ve had in a while, and it was all thanks to Nick Jonas. He never left my side at that party and I thank him so much for that because the party was kind of awkward. I met some really cool people though, thanks to Nick, Joe, and Kevin of course.

Nick and I climbed into the SUV and Big Rob drove us to my house. When we got to my house, Nick walked me to my door.

“Well. I guess all good things come to an end, right?” he said.

“The night is coming to an end. But this doesn’t have to.”

“This?” Nick smiled.

“I had an amazing time with you tonight, Nick. Thank you.”

“I had an amazing time with you too, Megan.” I smiled. “Do you have any plans for tomorrow, your last day? Well our last day. We leave on Wednesday too, to continue our tour."

“I have practice in the morning. Then I have some more packing to do. I was just gonna relax and attempt to calm my already anticipated nerves.”

“Well, I would be very happy to distract you from those nerves.”

“That would be perfect and much appreciated.” Nick laughed.

“I will call you tomorrow then.” Nick gave me a hug and I smiled.

“Goodnight Nick.”

“Goodnight Megan.” He turned and walked back towards the car. I opened the door and turned around. As I turned around, he turned around. We smiled at each other. I walked inside and shut the door. I put my back against the door and just smiled.
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