My Superman

Mckenzie Taylor is daughter of Maxine Taylor, famous singer/actress. She got Mckenzie a contract with Hollywood Records, and Disney Channel, to be an actress. Little does Mckenzie know that's not all she was signed up for...
  1. Let's go!
    Chapter one, introduction to the main characters. Well, some of them :)
  2. The Jonas brothers!
    Numero two :) dunno what two is in Spanish :)
  3. The boy of my dreams
    I just realised. Martina and Martin? No, so Mckenzie's on screen name is now changing to Terri. Oh, and it's Stacey Green, not Gree :)
  4. 6 weeks later
    It doesn't start off as six weeks later, explains abit about the end of the last chapter, then goes into it :) enjoy :)
  5. Burger King!
  6. I've got coulrophobia! You've got what?!
  7. We're flying the flag
    Yay, another one :) enjoy.
  8. Bring it!
    So, this one's about Kenz and Nick :) enjoy :)
  9. Your hair matches your personality.
    Last one for this series! But do not fear, I'm posting a sequal :)
  10. The last xD