‹ Prequel: This Is An S.O.S.
Sequel: Super Sophomores

Freshman Year

September 26, 2008

Carlos wasn't at school. He wasn't on AIM in the morning. I got to school later than usual. There were lots of people at school, and I was running into people on accident.

In Spanish, we didn't get much done. the teacher was trying to find out who rode what bus and everything. After that, she assigned us a paper. Kayla and I switched seats. I was kind of happy because Cody kept writing on me and stuff. I was next to Joe, though.

Business tech was boring. Shavonne and I talked after we finished our midterms. I showed her the comment wars. We talked about old school cartoons. I miss the old Nickelodeon.

We got in trouble for talking in Anthropology. the teacher made us do silent work.

During lunch, I got my water stolen a bunch of times. Then we went to the bathroom. Jenny asked this girl, Aubrey how she did her eye makeup. Aubrey was being bitchy back. Jenny's weird. She has no problem with talking to bitches. I, on the other hand, try to keep away from the bitches. I don't know. Maybe she wants to be popular.

For Algebra, we took a pop quiz. During the pop quiz, the fire alarm went off. We had a fire drill. We were supposed to go to this red thing and stay. Everyone went the wrong way except for me and this other girl who has a twin. When we got back, we did work.

When I got into science, Carlos had IMed me. It was funny, what he sent me.
I just doodied
Thats funnyyyy

I'm bored

I hacked onto Laura's myspace to see if she'd seen Carlos' picture comment yet.
She hasn't been on yett

I had just gotten home and my mom was crying. When I asked her what was wrong, she said that they were oing to take my cat to get him put down.
This is a very rare occasion.
It;s not very often I cry about things

Eh. I won't be sad tomorrow.
cheer up
I shouldd
I'm a very negative person these days.

I watched my happy videos and listened to my happy music. after a while, I stopped crying and fely okay.
I knew chrismas music would come in handy someday
I took a nap. When I woke up, I checked my myspace and noticed that Laura commented me.
She saw itt.
My friend says that your gonna get a piece of her or something

she saw it?Haha what she say?

I dunno. Let me see.
I called Laura and we talked.
she was all "damn you alexx... damn you to hell"
omagahh. now she's brought the dude who likes me into the warr
awwhhhhhhhhhhhh. this sucks asssss

she said somethingabout how i want him badd
lol my friend who said something about a piece of her blahlahblah also says no jkjkjklololol
... she wants to text youu

He sent me his number.
its a different friend.
Oh who is it
her name is debrah. i gotta stop telling myriends about the people i come across. its getting annoying