‹ Prequel: This Is An S.O.S.
Sequel: Super Sophomores

Freshman Year

September 29, 2008

Over the weekend, I figured out that Carlos wants to talk me into smoking with him. He asked Debrah if she smoked, then asked if I smoked. She told me about it and forwarded the messages. He pretty much asked if he could talk me into it which he most likely could with me. I'm that stupid and think that things should be tried at least once in life.

Before school, Joe found me and wanted me to give a book to Mrs. Ikanovic. I was glad because then he said he couldn't see Ludo with Brenda and I. I gave him back his book and told him to give it back in Spanish. There was no way that I was carrying around a big book in my backpack.

In Spanish, we took a midterm. I sat next to Joe and Josh sat behind me. After we finished, we all talked about stuff. Mostly comedy shows like Monty Python or The Whitest Kids U' Know.

"Oh my God!" Shavonne exclaimed as I walked into Business Tech, "Sasquatch Wookie Boner is here!" I saw him before I went in. The weird thing was that I wasn't nervous today. Usually, when I'm waiting for the bell in Spanish, I get super nervous. I don't know if Carlos is at school or not.

Well, yeah. Debrah was texting me to get Carlos to text her. He wasn't in class all last week. I was too scared to IM him first. I ended up IMing him first, though.
Lol my mom wants you to come to my dads par-tay to scare my gramma
Haha wow
Shahh. She's a bitch
I was telling Shavonne in ways about how Carlos wouldn't text Debrah. she picked up my green highlighter and tossed it behind her, making it hit Carlos in the back. He turned around and gave us both a dirty look. When he turned back around, I walked over, picked up my highlighter and went back to my seat.
Sorry bout that. I was hoping she wouldn't do that
Well still sorryyyyyyy
Don't b
I have to beeeeeee
Mhm. I feel badd
I shouldn't have said anythingg

It's okay

In anthropology, we pretty much talked about stuff. Like the train crash in California that happened not too long ago. We worked on some stuff, like the sponge and turned in homework from last week. I finished it in Spanish this morning.

At lunch, I didn't really eat anything. The chicken looked really gross. It was funny shaped and smelled weird. The lunch lady was nice, though. She's always nice. I did eat the inside of my tater. We also went to the bathroom. I just kind of went then texted Debrah. She wasn't at her school today.

In Algebra, I turned in my project that we've been working on. Since I turned it in early, I got ten extra credit points. When I got my grade on it, I got a 210 out of 200. Josh and Jenny got the same grades as me on the project.

I couldn't wait for science when I noticed that Carlos had IMed me. I wanted to see what he said.
Why do you have so many cute friendssss
Like the girl you were walkin in the hall with shee was a babe

With the bangs?
I showed Jenny what Carlos sent me and then said something along the lines of "he is such a manwhore."
Lol. She's all "Oh my godddd"
Who is

My friend. she'd in my last 3 classes
Ohhhh snap the cute one?
Mhm. She's sitting next to me right now
We had to do a test, so I got moved to a new table. I couldn't IM Carlos because this table was in the front. If I didn't move, I would have still been IMing him. I kept checking my phone while I was doing the test.
:0 oops
I'm embarassed
I'm so bored talk to meee
>:[ fine

We were taking a test and I got moved to the fronttt

I tried to waste time when I got outside and tied my shoe. Hopefully Carlos would be going this way. When I got to the Business Tech room, I turned around and there he was, messing on his phone.
I see you
Lol. I see youu
Omagahh. I almost got hit by that car

Did you tell your friend I thought she was cute?!
....no. she just kind of read it
Ughh why did you let herr!
She must think I'm some kind of man whore

No. she don't think you're a man whore
Cause I already said two of your friends were cute
Does she think I'm cute? Haha

Um I dunno. want me to ask?
My balls itchhhh
...um. then itch them?

I did haha
Gahh. My moms bugging the crap out of mee. she wants you to come to my dads par-tay.
And my other friend wants you to text herrr

Who what why
Um. She wants you to come to my dads par-tay to scare me grandma?
And my friend just wants you to text her.

Well I don't want to text her
You told your mom but me?
Mhm. she's annoying and i'm a horrible liar.
Mhm. I like to lie about who I talk to and since you have no crotch or boobs, my mom thinks it's funny to bug me about you.
Ijb rbghyuisjdhbd

I had just finished making this chapter when all of a sudden, Carlos started IMing me.

Why did you tell her that
You made me look like a douche

What the crap?
Ohh. She just told me
Well geez
And douche means showerr

She asked
So, basically, what had happened was... I told Debrahh that Carlos didn't want to talk to her, then she texted him, then he IMed me and wasn't happy one but. This made me feel really bad about what I did. I didn't think I'd said anything wrong to her. Neither did she.
Oh geez you like hate me now, don't you
I don't like people sayin shit to other people that isn't their business and can hurt peoples feelings it was rude what you did
Well, I wasn't going to liee
Well you could have ignored it lieing would certainly be kinder to her feelings
Still, sorryyy. I hate making other peopless all mad at mee. I didn't think of that because ignoring it would be rude too.
Now I feel like soo bad

Well does it feel better to make other people hate me
She doesn't hate you
Oh well
In fact, she was just mesin around
I don't even care just tell her to stop textin me I don't have free texts