‹ Prequel: This Is An S.O.S.
Sequel: Super Sophomores

Freshman Year

October 14, 2008

Today was kind of boring, but proved the fact that I should be switched into smarter classes. In Spanish, this guy asked me to help him with his homework. He was finding the last angle of a right triangle that had an acute angle of 37 degrees. The answer was 53 degrees. This guy was in geometry. Joe was being annoying. He was shoving it in my face that I don't know how to play guitar as good as he can. Well, he isn't a very good teacher so meh.

I was super bored in Business Tech. All we did was answer questions and then sit there whole listening to the teacher ramble on about stuff.

Lol wakka wakka
Your annoying
Pahahahaha jk
He's so fat dude I wanna push him outta that chair

Lol. Maybe he'll roll out the door
Mhm. Like all the way to canada
Waitt. Nvm. I wanna go to canada. Like antarctica
I dunno.
Shahh. Bahaahahha that guy blew his nosee
I think that's about the 6th time he's asked the class if anyone played sports
Lol it iss. I've stopped listening to what he says
For like ever

But then I don't really listen in any of my classes
I do
I've learned everything they teachh
Without listening oh damn your psychic
Um. No... my classes last year taught the same stuff
Well you are in kentucky we are a year behind everyone
True, true. But my mum won't get my classes switched
because I got fs last year for not doing my homework

You know. The letter f that means fail on your report card
You said fs when you should have put f's
I didn't want to put an apostrophe

Idc what you want
Well geezzz.

The teacher in Anthropology was implying that I was smart today. It was kind of weird. I guess I'm smart for taking notes. We just took a test in that class.

In Algebra, we did this thing with marking down percents. I didn't like it because there was a much easier way that we weren't allowed to use. The way she taught us was like fractions. I'm horrible at fractions.

Science was suckish. We had to watch science videos with the substitute. It was the substitute that I don't like. I think he's suspicious of me for no reason at all. He seems to always be right next to my desk, so I can't text. I want to switch seats and see if he stands there when I sit there or not.