‹ Prequel: This Is An S.O.S.
Sequel: Super Sophomores

Freshman Year

October 29, 2008.

We had a field trip today. I hated it. Jenny wouldn't leave me alone. On the bus, she laid her head on my shoulder and wouldn't get off. During the play, she kept talking to me. We went to see Romeo and Juliet. After, we went to the St. Matthews mall. It was awesome. Jenny left and hung out with other people. It was pretty much me and a bunch of guys. I was with Josh, Alan, and Ryan. We all ate Chinese food, except for Alan who ate pizza and Starbucks. We went to Hot Topic after. This girl in my Algebra class was walking out and said "Hey, Alexis! It's your store!" We stayed in there for like twenty minutes and then went to Spencers. The people who worked there weren't very nice to us. Josh found a Chuck Norris joke book. I remember one that said "Chuck Norris doesn't have sex. He gives girls climaxes by saying 'booya!'" On our way out, the lady was being bitchy to Josh. Before we left the mall, we heard that peole got kicked out of Spencers for dropping a dildo.

Did you throw something at my friend during lunch todayy?
Ok then. Not leslie. My friend was like "this hot guy threw like a gum wrapper at me" she was sitting like right there, though. With the black and bleached hair. She thought you were going for her
Lol nooooooooooooooooooo

She told me to tell you to not almost hot her again or something
Nvm. To not hit her cause it bounced off her head or something

Noo my friend threw it I just laughed
Then tell your friend to not hit herr
Thank youuu
A while later.......
So how are you
Bored. You?
I'm always bored almost. Except today. School was weird
Lol how come you weren't in 2nd
I was at a field trip thing
Ohhh funn
Noo. It was gayyy. I hate plays
Except for Avenue Q

I like plays
I prefer musicals.
Like Avenue Q.

Never heard of it
Omagah. Never ever?
What about the Rocky Horror Picture Show. You're crazy if you've never heard of thatt

I go to it every month at baxter
I have it on tape.
Well yeahh. Listen to If You Were Gay or The Internet Is For Porn. Those are the cool songs from Avenue Q

Oh lucky you
Lol well you should go the rocky saturday
Its at midnight costs 8 and might wanna get your ticket early

I cantt. I don't know anyone who would go with me. All my friends are stupid and like don't wanna see it
I'll go with you duh
Anyone that I've actually talked to
Lmao. If you talked to me before then then maybee

Well ill talk to you tomorrow
Lmao okayy
I asked my mum. She was like whateverrrr

You should sit by me

Sit by you where?
In class in that fat bitchs seat
Lmao. I don't think I couldd
Oh wellll
I'll askk
Lol don't ask just do
I'm nice thoughh
Anywayss. I'm not going to listen to what she says if she says no.

Fuck that bitch ill tell her to movee
Its okayy. I'll do ittt.
Omagahh. I'm stupid
I'm cleaning my room like one of those weirdos with the dresses on
I'm cleaning my room with a dress on. its uncomfortable, but I'm bored.
Lol why do you have a dress on
I felt like putting it on. And now I'm freezing my boobies off. Oh well. I'm just sooper bored.
Lol wow
And my mums been bugging me for like a week to clean my room.
Than clean it duh
I ammm. I just get all like "ooohhhhh what's that?" and then start playing with stuff.
Which is why I have a dress on right now.
I'm not sure if I should keep the straps on or take them off.

Lol I dunno who are you trying to impress
I'm not trying to impress anyone. I'm just bored.
Lol wow that's some serious boredom
Lol so
I'm not wearing a dress anymoress. I'm wearing normal clothes
Oh coool
Yeahh. I don't know what to do now.
I could stare at stuff, but I do that too much. And I don't wanna leave my room because my mom will be all "did you clean your room yet?"
Lol lame