‹ Prequel: This Is An S.O.S.
Sequel: Super Sophomores

Freshman Year

November 19, 2008

I got to school pretty early. About 7:10. There was this guy playing an electric guitar that was black. I sat there, doing my Art homework. When I got bored, I looked up and tried to find someone I knew. Ryan was standing by the door. I put my stuff in my backpack and walked over to him. Kevin walked in and sat next to the guy with the guitar. I was bugging Ryan to entertain me. He said he would if I asked that guy to let him borrow bhis guitar. I wouldn't do it. I noticed Jow after Schmitty got there. He was talking to Brandon. I walked over to them while Kevin and his friends went somewhere. Brandon couldn't see Twilight with Joe, Alustriel, and I. He was getting promoted or something.

In Spanish, we didn't do anything. The teacher wasn't there and neither was a substitute. We were there for about twenty minutes without anything to do. The sub was kind of weird. He was a preacher guy. I started writing the November 19th chapter of Freshman Year. He gave us work to do. It was really boring. I just kind of wasted time.

In Chorus, we had a substitute. She was okay. We had to watch Hairspray(ew) and write about stuff. Ryan and Nathan came to sit with us girls. It was pretty cool, I guess. They all talked about stuff. Nathan went to the bathroom and made fart noises. There's a bathroom in the Chorus room. No one could hear it. The movie was too loud.

In Anthropology, we just did work. Nathan talked to me more that day than in any other day. He had to write standards for chewing gum in P.E.. I became the leader of our group. Ryan was being annoying and trying to get me to write the letter to the embassy. We went to lunch.

Jenny told me once again that she likes my hair during lunch. Um. We pretty much just ate. Jenny and Alustriel went to the bathroom. While they were doing their business, Nathan came over. He told me about how he didn't want Coach Jackson to see him doing his standards. When the Coach walked by, I saw Nathan look up at him. After a little bit of staring, he gave a nervous smile. "It's okay" Coach Jackson said. "I'm only gonna get on you in class." I laughed. Jenny and Alustriel got back and I went to the bathroom.

Back in class, we worked with partners. Alustriel got Nathan to work with me. It was really funny. Jenny was all "Awhhhh! Look how cute they are together!" I got kind of mad at that. Well, I sort of do like him. Just not very much. Not like I liked Carlos. (Which, I refuse to like Carlos anymore. He also drinks.)

In English, we started out with a Journal. After about ten minutes of writing, we left to Stickler Theater to take our pictures. I walked there with Nathan. We were talking about stuff. We passed Erin Gilligan who was dancing with us at the dance. Nathan had to pee. He said that he was going to go over behind the buiding and go. That was kind of funny. I was the first to take my picture with the lady. It was kind of funny because the camera was being mean and not working right. They used a bunch of film trying to get it to work. After I got a picture taken, I sat next to Nathan. Alustriel sat next to me. I showed her a text that Laura sent me. It said "I'm so horny spread me open." Yeah. Kinda weird.

Back in class, we read some of The Cask Of Amontillado. After, we answered questions for the homework. This was easy. I didn't do it last time. I wrote a half of a page on one question the last time. Blah.

Kevin was in Art today. He wasn't sitting next to me, though. It was kind of funny. I was yelling at Quincy for taking my Flexi without asking. Kevin looked over and went "What!?" I showed him my Flexi and told him about it. At the end of class, this guy came and was talking to me. He watches The Whitest Kids U' Know. He's an awesome little dude.