‹ Prequel: This Is An S.O.S.
Sequel: Super Sophomores

Freshman Year

September 4, 2008

The worst thing happened before school. My mom had me wake up at five in the morning to ride the bus. I didn't want to take the bus because the bus schedule here is all weird. You take one bus, then switch somewhere else. I got on the bus, and it went to Southern High School. A bunch of other busses were there too. They let everyone off to switch. I asked the driver where the bus was going. "Moore." he said. My mom told me to take it to Moore, then switch there. I stayed on the bus. They didn't switch at Moore. I was supposed to switch at Southern. I had to call my mom and have her drive to Moore to pick me up. Luckily, my mom knew where Moore was because it was within walking distance from my grandma's house.

Before school, there was a fight. Everyone ran to it except for me and this other girl who was standing next to me. Right after they broke it up, Jenny came in. I told her about the fight and what happened with the bus. They sent us to class while I was getting out my Algebra book to put away. The bell rang on my way up the stairs. I still got my jacket and book away before the bell rang again. In class, I gave Joe the cd. We went around saying "Trabajadder." We were pretty much making fun of Cody who said "Trabajador" wrong. We also played a game called Saca Cinco. It was a game where you chose five words and tried to guess your partner's words. Joe won the first game, I won the second. The teacher didn't want us to do anything because there was going to be a fire drill. She just didn't know what period it was going to be in. I was hoping it would be second, so I could hang out with Carlos and hopefully talk to his ass.

Business Tech was okay. Mr. Davis seemed to have the mean bug up his butt, or was PMSing. He was yelling about everything. After I finished making my definitions, I looked at my phone. Carlos had IMed me.
Can I borrow a writing utensil?

I have a writing utensil though.

We went on talking on AIM about stuff. When the teacher got mad abd started yelling at us about how the computer work we did was being stupid, I walked up to his desk to have him print mine out. Since I had it saved on my flash drive as well as his, he could use mine and it would work. TJ came up to have his printed too. "Stop being so quiet, Alexis." He said to me.

"You think I'm quiet? You're quieter than I am." was my reply. We just were talking about who's flash drive was better. I said mine was because it was gray with pretty pictures on it. When I came back, Carlos had sent me another IM. Before I read it, I guessed what he said. I was thinking something about how cute I am. He's got this thing with calling me cute when I get up for stuff.
You need to stop being so cutee.
I can't stop staringg

Do you like my ass or something?
You always seem to say that when I get up for stuff.

No, I always say that then because you sit behind me.
But your ass is nice.

Well, why don't you talk to me then?
I'm shy.
I tried to talk to you yesterday. I was all "YOU. Help me."
We talked some more about stuff that I can't remember. Well, I remember something about cults and blue beef.

Anthropology sucked. We got a bunch of papers back. I got a 40 on one. I'm that bad in that class. I also got an 86 on a 100 point paper, and a 94 on my sponges from last week. I probably got a bad grade on my test from last friday. We took notes in that class.

Algebra also sucked. The teacher kept yelling at us because we were loud and also moved Alan. I'm not sure why he got moved, though. It could be that him and Josh together makes it get loud.

Science was when we had the fire drill. We also had a substitute. The new teacher wasn't there. Dr. Bennett got switched to a new school because they didn't have enough teachers or something. All through the fire drill, I was looking for Carlos. His class went over to the other fire drill spot, though. I figured that out when I didn't see him. Back in class, we just did some coloring. We had to color six pages of stuff.

After school, I noticed Carlos walking the way I do. Well, I noticed him from the back of his head and backpack. He was wearing a jacket that I'd never seen before. I ran to catch up to him. Around the corner, the business tech teacher tried to talk to me. He was all "did you forget something?"

"No." I told him. Carlos looked back but kept going. I checked my phone. He most likely would have sent me something by now. There was a picture of a litle AIM guy blinking.

Followin me, eh?
That would be creepy

Thought you were lol
Stalking is for stalkers.
I just happened to be going that way

Yeahh. My mum picks me up there

Oh. Cool beans
.....My rapist neighbor came with themm.
I'm scared of my neighbor. I think he's a rapist. He looks like one.
Eat him!
We're going to his house for dinner.... I should.
I like that songg

the rapist and my dad were talking about Jesus... Yeah.
Haha wow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Check back on this later today.
I've got more AIM, but just don't want to put it on because it's in the process of being conversated