‹ Prequel: This Is An S.O.S.
Sequel: Super Sophomores

Freshman Year

September 5, 2008

It seemed like there wasn't many people at school today. Like one of the busses was running late or something. They let us go to class when the bell rang. Jenny wasn't there before class, either. So I didn't have anyone to hang out with.

In Spanish, I gave Joe an Arizona green tea. He traded me a water for it. I get drunk off water, so yeah. We did the same thing in Spanish that we did yesterday, We went around telling people what we liked in Spanish. I said that I liked random things like Ludo or cheesecake. Our last thing to do was make a rock song about things we liked. I thought of using Love Me Dead because Joe knew how to play it on guitar. So we'd be singing in Spanish to Love Me Dead. We were going to do it on Monday because Joe didn't have his guitar.

Business Tech sucked, but was funny at the same time. Carlos and I talked on AIM while I talked to Shavonne.
Hello there
Nice day?
Minus the rain+straight hair=doodie
Yup. I'm gonna have a fro soon.
My hair's gona get curly
Well, that's always better than a gigantor fro
Did you pay yo fee?

Well, that's cool
I wish I didn't. My mom wouldn't leave me alone about it.
OMYGOSHH. I'm scared.

Thunder scares me.
Shavonne said something to me that I wasn't listening to. Carlos was, though.
She drinks Twinkies?
I guess.

The teacher calledMe, Carlos, TJ, and a few other people up. He said something about how we didn't pay our fees. I did pay mine. "I paid mine." I said. "You did this last week or something, and I told you I payed my fee."

"Just calm down, Alexis." He told me. I was as calm as I could be. Well, when he told m e to calm down, it made me kind of mad. He's been having some rudeness problems lately. In fact, one of the students in my period told him to check himself or else. He checked to see if I paid, then sent me back to my desk. TJ paid, and Carlos didn't. The teacher gave Carlos some extra homework that he crumpled on the way to his desk. The teacher saw, then yelled at him for crumpling it and gave him a new one. On his way back, we looked at each other and started laughing again.
Haha. I hate him.
I do too. I wasn't even freaking out. That was me all normal, and he was all "Calm down"
What an a-hole.
The teacher started yelling at Carlos for doing the homework that he was given.
That's homework!! Don't do it! You'll die! I swear on the second to last day of school, I'm beating the shit out of him and running home
May I watch?
You're in this class, aren't you?
Then yes.
The teacher yelled at Carlos some more because he had his snakebites in. I seriously think the teacher has something against us. I mean, it's a quiet class, but maybe he can't take the quietness.
Hahahahahaa. "Stop side steppin' me, man."
I think someone likes making up wordss.
I wish we could listen to music in this class.
Me fuckin' too.
'Cause I want to.........

If only I had that on my iPod.
It's an awesome song.
Mr. Davis had a chode boner
He doess have a chode bonerr

Shavonne and I started talking about sasquatch wookie boners. She was making up a bunch of different kinds of sasquatch wookie boners. She thought I was about to call Carlos a sasquatch wookie boner, but I was calling the teacher one. So yeah.

I think Carlos decided to walk a new way from lunch for some odd reason. He used to not go to the front stairs, and now he does. Yesterday, Jenny almost ran into him. It was kind of funny, though.

Algebra sucked because of one thing. Miley Cyrus. The teacher actually likes her crap music. We were stuck listening to country, Disney pop, and hip hop all period. It gave me the worst headache.

In science, the teacher yelled at us. Shavonne took a rubber glove and blew it up, amking the teacher a little on the angry side. Though, she did give us all the answers to everything.

LAter on that night, my parents wanted me to go the football game. I didn't really want to go. it was wet and I could get a fro.

Ewwwwwwww. My parents want me to go to the football game.

I'm going.
I dunno f I wanna go.
Then don't?
I shouldn't.
Stranger danger.

I'm not a stranger.
But then Josh is gonna be there.
Well, I don't think you'd want me hanging out with you.

Who's Josh?
Oh, I never said you can hang out with us?
Hahahahahahahahaha jk!

Well, geez.
So, who's this Josh? your boyfriend?
No. I have no bf.
Josh is my friend. He's in almost all of my classes.

Haha. Cool.
All of my classes except second,
Which I'm in. Woot!
I hate when my dad makes me choose crap.
He wants to go to that game thingy.

Choose what?

I hate choosing things. It's either sit here and be bored, or get a fro at a football game thing.
It would also give me the chance to scare people with my cool as crap green pants that I never get to wear because uniforms suck ass.


Well, I'm going to the Seneca Male game so we are talking about two dofferent games lol.
Nope. I dont think so.
Well, I dunno.

Random crap sucks sometimes. Like my dad bringing up going to stuff when I'm wearing my pjs.
cough cough
Cyber cough?
I guess.
My friends went in deeper. The water,it climbed.

I just had that stuck in my brain of all places.
Oh, dead people.
Sorry, thinking of random stuff

In Spanish, we're going to sing that because we're awesome like that.
Thats....... cute.
I think they're crazy
But then, I'm considered crazy. So I guess I'm in with them, too.
I can waych Good Will Hunting by mysellllffff!
People think I'm stoned most of the time.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Random.
I guess.
People know I'm stoned most of the time.
I'm never stoned
♠ ♠ ♠
WHOO! I've got pics and stuff. So I make clickies!
Where we sit.