You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

The One Day I Hated Pete Wentz

"Bella!" I heard vaguely. I groaned and rolled over. There was no possible way that I was getting up right now. It was Saturday for crying out loud! Couldn't a girl get some sleep?

"We've got to get to the airport and meet the band we're touring with. Whoever they are." I heard Valerie say. You see, I'm in a band called Vintage Soup with three of my friends. We'd recently gotten booked to open for an FBR band.

"Fall Out Boy!" I yelled as I leapt out of bed, and ending up falling on my face in my mad dash for the closet.

Valerie sighed, but laughed a little too. "You know it isn't necessarily them. They just promised us an FBR band." she said, and she was right. Unfortunately, we hadn't really been informed of the band's name. Just their record label.

"Well, they're practically the only well-known FBR band, aside from Paramore. And you know that there's only one band that I'm completely opposed to ending up on tour with." I said, still sitting on the floor, and Valerie nodded sympathetically before walking out. You see, I could not stand The Academy Is. I loved every Fueled By Ramen band. Except for them. I mean, honestly! Not only does their lead singer look like a girl, he can't even sing! That's not even including the other incredibly long list of reasons.

I stood up and dusted off my pajamas before carefully contemplating my closet. I'd taken another trip to Hot Topic, just for today. I finally settled on my black and red Skelanimals shirt and my plaid skirt. I pulled back my hair and threw on some earrings before walking out to meet the girls.

"Finally! God, Bella, it took you long enough." Summer said with a roll of her eyes. Suddenly she cracked into a smile and we both laughed together.

Right then, Felicity, the most amazing manager in the world, walked over. "Alright, girls. Ready to go meet our tour buddies? We all nodded eagerly as we walked out to the van, our normal band transportation.

"Wonder who it is..." Summer said, crawling in behind me.

"I just wish My Chemical Romance was an FBR band." Samantha said with a sigh, and we all laughed. When it came to her 'non-obsession' with Gerard Way, nobody was out of the loop.

When we all finally got to the airport, I started to freak out a little. After all, I did have a very good chance of meeting Pete Wentz, basically the hottest guy in the world.
Suddenly, Felicity's phone rang. She answered it, and quickly handed it to me, mouthing 'It's for you.'


"Hi. It's Pete Wentz. This is... Bella, right?" I heard, and nearly had a heart attack before taking a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Yes. It's Bella. And why would I have the pleasure of speaking to you?" I asked, genuinely hoping he had just reached the airport.

He laughed before contiuing. "See, it's not really that pleasureable. We, Fall Out Boy, can't make it, so we had to send some close friends in our place. That's cool, right?"

"Oh." I said, then sighed. "Sure. Who is it, if you don't mind me asking?"

"The Academy Is."

I seized up immediately. No. No way in hell were we going on tour with the band with the one FBR band I hated with every ounce of my being. I composed myself quickly before responding. Thank God I could act.

"Well, that sounds great!" I said.

"Alright. I have to go, but I'll be calling later to check up on you guys."

"Sounds great." I said, sarcasm seeping through before I hung up.

I yelled, turned, and kicked the nearest car tire. "Dammit!" I said as my foot began to throb. I massaged it gently as I looked around the group. "Guess who we're going on tour with." I said, my anger coming in loud and clear.

"Oh." said Felicity, and she walked over to pat me on my back. There went my enthusiasm for this tour.
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Title of the overall story belongs to Bill. This was the first story I ever wrote, but if you make it through, I have a sequel that's a little better. I swear.