You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

Cute's Last Show

"I can't believe it's your last show already." I groaned. I was talking to Shaant. We had just gotten to Milwaukee. "I miss you already. We seriously have to stay in touch this time." I said, refering to the fact that we hadn't spoken since highschool, until now.

Shaant looked down and sighed. "Hey, um... If I told you something, it wouldn't seriously screw with our friendship, would it?"

I smiled and laughed. "Did you kill William? Because if you did, I am so helping you stay on the run." He just shook his head with a weak smile. God, this serious shit needed to get over with. This tour was screwed up enough.

"Well... you see.... I'm kinda sorta... I mean...." I sighed with a roll of my eyes. "Shaant. Spit it out."

"I'm in love with you." At that, I nearly fainted on the inside. Shaant! My best friend! The guy I always went to for guy advice for a better perspective! "But, there's a problem with that." he said before I could respond, and I tilted my head. "You're in love with someone else."

At this, my jaw dropped. "I don't know where you're getting your info here, but I haven't liked a guy since college, let alone loved-" he just put a finger to my lips and pulled it away quickly. "Just, don't." he said. "Let's act like this never happened, get through the concert tonight, and I'll be gone in the morning."

I just nodded, and watched him walk off. How much more like a bad Lifetime movie could my life get? I pinched the bridge of my nose before walking back to this bus to get ready. Why God? Why the heck was this happening to me?
As I sat in the bus, a few hours before the show, I had a sudden revelation of exactly what I needed right now. Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. There was no better way on earth for a girl to get over things, as freakish as the circumstances may be. I knew there had to be a grocery store somewhere within walking distance, so I got dressed and ready, and set off.

With my glasses, no one probably recognized me, but I had on a hoodie just in case. I stumbled across Lucky Supermarket and found exactly what I needed, and got out. I grabbed some plastic spoons, too. I paid for everything in cash, and got out. Mission Impossible completed.
"So, what's up?" Felicity said knowingly when she found me curled up on the couch with my ice cream and book. "What do you mean?" I asked in reply, trying to sound oblivious. "In the universal language of girl, when you're eating Ben & Jerry's, and there are guys within a 25 meter radius, something's up."

"Shaant said he was in love with me. But then he said that I was in love with someone else, and then he walked away." I said quickly, trying not to get upset. I was just so damn confused!

"Bella, you do realize that there's nothing confusing going on, because he's right, and you're just oblivious if you haven't realized he liked you as more than a friend right by now." she said with a look down at me.

"Why are you so sraightforward? 'Oh, let me tell Bella the honest truth, and make her feel even worse.' I don't want the truth right now! I want some comfort and time to think. Why do you think I have the ice cream?"

She just sighed. "I guess you'll figure it out soon enough." she said, walking out.

Dammit. I wasn't sure I wanted to figure it out.
I was fine by time for the show, and everything went swimmingly. Shaant and I said our goodbyes, exchanged phone numbers, and that was that. However, I found a note in my bed that night. 'It's Bill' I read, and suddenly, it was all clear again, even if I didn't like it. I finished my song that night, and planned how to unveil it before I fell asleep. I still hated the truth.