You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

"I can't believe you did that! But I'm proud of you. I would have chickened out." I heard Summer say as she gave me a reassuring hug. I laughed weakly. "And you think I didn't come close to walking off the stage? I just hope I didn't do all that for nothing."

She shook her head. "There's no way anyone could be that oblivious." Summer said, shaking her head. She walked out the door, and I plopped down on my bunk, hoping she was right.
After the show that night, I still hadn't run into Bill. Where the hell could he be? I didn't want to talk to him coming off stage, so I had stupidly waited. Key word there being stupidly.

As I sat there on the couch, I tried to focus on other things. After all, there was no way I was confronting him. Are you kidding? That would only be the messiest conversation in history. I finally just decided to try and do other things to occupy myself. I picked up a book, but still couldn't read. I sighed and gave up, walking to the other bus. If he spoke to me, fine, if he didn't, that was fine too. Everyone else was over there anyways, I would still have people to talk to.

I noticed it was raining, so I threw on a jacket for the quick walk. As soon as I reached the bus, everyone looked up, then sighed and continued. Except Sisky. He got up and walked over. "Where's Bill?" he asked me. I laughed lightly as I walked around him to sit down on the couch. "You know better then I do." I said.

"Wait. You mean you haven't seen him?" he asked, obviously getting a little frantic. "Nope. Not since your set."

Sisky shook his head. "He left about two hours ago. He said he was going to talk to you." I shrugged. "Well, he lied. But don't worry. I'm sure he'll come back. He can take care of himself. Billy's a big boy." I added sarcastically.

"You're right. It's just that Bill doesn't do stuff like this." he said with a sigh. "We're all a little on edge." I patted him on the back. "Understandable. But I'm positive he'll be fine."

The door opened then, and we all looked up. Bill stood there in his jacket, still dripping wet. "Well, speak of the devil." I said with a smirk.

"Where the hell were you man?" Sisky asked, advancing toward Bill.

My eyes widened, and I started walking out. "I think I'll head back to the bus. Night, guys!" I said. I saw the rest of the girls get up to join me, and Bill gave me a glare. I looked puzzledly at him for a moment as I walked out. What was his problem?
After getting ready, I crawled into my bunk to find a note. Shaant says that he never, never, never wants to be in love with anyone but you, too. I read. There was only one person who would stoop so low. Right then, something new moved to the top of tomorrow's to-do list. Kick William Beckett's ass.