You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

I Love You, I Hate You, I Can't Live Without You

"Is this your idea of a joke? Because nobody's laughing, Mrs. Beckett." I said, a deadly tone leaking into my voice as I held up the post-it I'd found in my bunk. Bill had used some of my most meaningful lyrics to write a stupid fake love note about Shaant and I. Apparently he thought it was amusing, because I saw him smile.

"So, you found my little note."

I mustered a glare from both my anger, and my sadness. "You know, I guess you're just a complete fake, but my lyrics mean something to me. This one almost more than the others. Now you act like it's some sort of 1st grade love poem, and it's not." I put emphasis on the last part, trying to get him to understand the seriousness of my problem with this.

"My lyrics have always meant something." he said, leaning in close with a death glare, finally.

"Then why don't you start acting like it?! Freak!" I yelled, storming out the door before I did something stupid to say the least. "That was harsh, dude." I heard Sisky whisper. How could he be on Bill's side? I thought he understood! I shook my head angrily, trying to hold back the tears.

As soon as I got back to the safe haven of the bus, I went straight to my bunk and cranked up the volume on my ipod. I didn't have time or want for weepy consolation right now.
Eventually I heard a faint knock on the door. I groaned as I rolled over and stretched. "Can't you read? I'm sorry, but the sign clearly says 'Do Not-" I cut off as I walked over to open the door and find none other than Bill standing there. "Oh, it's you." I said before slamming the door hard in his face, and leaning back against it. "Leave me the hell alone!" I yelled, not hearing him walk away.

"Nope. I came to apologize. So, I'm sorry for all the shit I've done to you." I heard him say as I turned of my ipod and threw it on my bunk, and laying there myself.

"Well, I don't accept your apology. So, why don't you go away?"

"Still not going away." he said, opening the door and coming in.

I groaned before I spoke. "Could you be any more annoying? Just go, Mrs. Beckett. Your services are no longer needed." I said, waving him off like a butler and I finally saw him frown.

"Look, I didn't come here to fight. Just to say I was sorry." he said through gritted teeth.

"Since you seem to be deaf, I've told you several times I don't forgive you, so just leave." I said, standing up in front of him with a glare. "You completely diminished the feeling behind some of my most meaningful lyrics! Not much is going to make up for that, I'm afraid."

He grabbed me roughly by the shoulders, so that our faces were less than a foot apart. "Look, all I can do is apologize! What else do you want?!" he asked, almost sounding desperate. Why did he want to make this up to me so much? Then I realized how close we were.

My head went down immediately, only chancing one quick glance up at his mouth before I collected myself enough to respond. I looked back up and hoped like crazy he didn't notice anything. "Well, you could at le-" Before I could finish the sentence, his lips cut me off.

He had closed the small distance between us, our lips colliding in a flame of passion and fury. As I pondered the cheesiness of my own thoughts, I had a realization. I WAS KISSING BILL!

My lips finally responded, moving with his. A shiver went down my spine as his hands slid slowly down my arms to reach my waist. As they did, he pulled me even clser, if that were humanly possible. My hands tangled themselves in his hair, and we remained that way for a while.

He held my face in his hands after we broke apart, a small smile on his face. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." he said. It took a while for me to begin speaking, due to my personal shock. Then, I realized that in a few weeks, I might never see him again. I looked down, and knew he understood. He tilted my chin back up so that we made eye contact, and kissed me again, gently, before starting to walk away.

"Don't leave. At least, not yet." I said quietly, and he turned with a gentle smile and nod. He walked out to sit down on the couch, and patted the spot next to him.

I walked over and sat down, wrapping my arms around his chest and laying my head on his shoulder. He encircled me in his arms and kissed my hair as I relaxed into him.

"I understand why you're... reluctant." he said quietly, at last. "I was an idiot, just trying to protect myself. It was obvious you couldn't stand me, but I've liked you a lot since the moment we met." he said, and I had to work hard to restrain himself.

"You think this is about you? Bill!" I sighed, almost irritated with his absurdity. "It's just that... Well, what if I don't see you again after this is over? I really don't want to get all wrapped up, if we're only going to fall apart."

He laughed, and hugged me closer. "That sure as hell hasn't kept your friends off Sisky and Michael! And no matter what, you'll always have my heart. I'll call you all the time. I'll fly to where you are just to see you!"

I couldn't help but to smile at all his outlandish remarks. I laughed a little before responding. "I love you." I said, craning my neck to touch my lips to his.

We kissed briefly before snuggling up on the couch. That night, I fell asleep on the shoulder of William Beckett. And damn did it feel good.
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SO CLICHE. I am annoyed with myself. But you have to read this for the sequel to make any sense. Chapter title to Saliva.