You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

The Trouble Begins

"It can't be that bad, Bella. Honestly. You'll live through two months with them, I promise." Felicity said with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, I'm more afraid the won't make it." I said with a scowl, looking up at my manager. You see, I'd just found out that my band, Vintage Soup, was going on tour with one of the bands I hated completely. The Academy Is.

Summer laughed a little. She then walked over and put her arm around me. "C'mon. I'm sure we can restrain you, Bella." she said.

At this, I cracked a small smile. "Thanks guys. I mean it. Let's just go pick them up, make clear we aren't the happiest about this decision, but that we'll try and be civil."

We all smiled and linked arms as we walked into the airport together.

As we aproached the luggage claim, I saw them. They were standing there, acting like idiots, trying to impress the group of sluts walking by. "Hey! Guys!" I yelled, and they looked up.

William approached, and I fought the vomit reflex. "So, you're Vintage Soup? I'm William Beckett." he said, and stuck out his hand for me to shake.

I looked down at his hand and back up. "Well, William, it's very..." I hesitated, and he tried to fill the space with a crooked smile and casual name change.

"Call me Bill."

I looked back up with a sigh. "Well, Bill. We, as a band, would like to inform you that while we are not entirely happy with the touring arrangements, we're willing to try and make the best of it. Of course, I am certainly not making any promises.

He shrugged. "Alright then." he paused. "I'll be sure to warn the guys." he said, his words lain heavily with sarcasm.

I scoffed and yelled after him. "Sure, try to be funny Mrs. Beckett." I smirked as I turned away, and heard something behind me. Ha, that ought to shut him up. At least, momentarily. I thought, walking back to the girls.
We finally made it to the tour bus after waiting forever for the guys to get all of their crap together. It turned out that fortunately, due to the fact that they were entirely male, and we were entirely female, we got different tour buses.

Once it was time to head off, we had already lost Samantha. I looked everywhere, until finally she appeared almost out of nowhere about five minutes before time to leve for Las Vegas.

"What's up?" she said, in response to the worried look apparent on my face.

"Oh, just that I couldn't find you anywhere, and we're leaving in 10 MINUTES!" I all but screamed in her face.

"I was on the TAI bus, talking to Sisky. You know, he's actually kind of cool. He used to have this weird 'fro thingy, though! He showed me pics. It's was freaking hilarious!" she said, laughing.

I sighed and walked off slowly, brooding, to help the crew pack up quickly before we left. Already lost one to the dark side. "Traitor." I muttered under my breath.