You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

I Won't Say I'm in Love

"Do you guys have to keep fighting?" Mike Carden, one of the two worst guitarists in the world, asked.

"Oh! So now you're gonna blame me because your freak here stole my pants!" I directed the last part at Bill, and saw him frown again.

"Why do you keep accusing me, when I could have just bought a duplicate pair, not knowing you had them? Obviously, then, I wouldn't have bought them." he said.

"I would accept your theory, if it had any miniscule chance of being true! But, seeing as we haven't stopped at Hot Topic at any time, and mine just went missing, I'm forced to blame you." I said.

"You're not forced to do anything! You-" he was cut off as Valerie stepped in between us.

"Anybody want popcorn?" she asked with a wide, goofy smile. I heard Michael, their other horrible guitar player laugh from the corner, and I looked down, pinching the bridge of my nose. I barely saw Bill give her a death glare and she walked slowly back to her seat.

"Look." I said, making direct eye contact. Wow, when he's angry, his eyes are kind of gorgeous... the defective side of my brain thought, and I shoved it away immediately. "I'm not gonna say anything else about it. But please, at least leave me some clothes to wear if/when you decide to raid my closet again."

I walked out of their tour bus, heading slowly back to my own, mainly to make sure that nothing else was missing. Dang. There goes my favorite pair of pants. I thought.
I lay on the couch, talking to Feilicity, my go to girl. "It just can't work that way!" I sat up, my hands clenched in fists. "How can I think.... that... that his eyes are gorgeous when I despise him with every part of my being?!"

"While this isn't easy to say, you should probably hear from me. Mainly because I'm the one you wouldn't strangle...." she said, looking down and back up."Do you remember reading A Midsummer Night's Dream?" she asked.

I tilted my head before nodding slowly. Where was this going? There was only one underlying theme in that book, and there was positively no way that I was...

"Remember." she said. "Love is blind, and foolish." she said.

I stood up angrily and ran my fingers through my hair. "There is no way I am falling in love with him! I mean, I barely know the guy! And what I do know, I hate! It's impossible! I mean, he just stole my pants! It makes no sense!"I all but screamed the last part, shaking Felicity's shoulders.

"Well, apparently your heart doesn't agree. And, just so you know, love hardly ever makes sense." she said, walking away slowly.

I held my face in my hands and sat hard on the couch. This was going to be the longest two months of my life... I just hope that I make it.
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I love the first part of that chapter. So much. xD