You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

The Epic Guitar Hero Tournament

"Truth." Samantha said. We, the girls only, of course, were having our own little sleepover (seeing as we had the night off on the way to New York...) I smiled deviously.

"Do like Sisky? And not as in friends. As in more than friends." I asked. "And remember, no reason to lie. We won't tell. What happens on the bus, stays on the bus."

She sighed softly and looked down. "Yes." she muttered, and I couldn't help but smile as Summer and Valerie cheered, patting her on the back. "It's not like he likes me or anything, though." she said, and I laughed.

"Are you completely blind? Of course he does!" I said, and rest of us nodded in agreement. "Haven't you seen how pissed off he gets when you talk to Mike?" Summer asked.

She shook her head and continued to look down, while Valerie smiled. "While we're getting things out in the open, I think Michael's pretty cute." she said. "And I've got it pretty bad for Mikey. He's the drum tech. He's so amazing..." Felicity said. Suddenly, everyone turned to me like they were expecting me to say something.

"What? You guys know I despise all of them. I'm just happy for you." I said with a smirk and a shrug, trying to look as offhand as possible.

They all just sort of shook their heads with knowing smiles. "Well, seeing as truth or dare kind of just fell through... How about a crazy Guitar Hero tournament?" I asked with a wide smile, changing the subject.

"How about we invite the guys?" Samantha asked, and I smiled. "Sure, I'd be glad to kick their butts, too." I said.
About an hour later, it was all set up. We even had brackets. I was about to face Samantha. "I'm sorry I have to beat you to defeat Bill in a blaze of glory, but that's just how it works." I said.

"No hard feelings." she said with a nod and shook my hand before we started out with Stricken by Disturbed.

As we played, all the girls cheered me on, and I knew Samantha was letting me win. After we finished, I walked over and whispered "Thanks." in her ear, while Mike and Michael tried madly to out-battle each other.

"You know I really wanted to see the epic battle between you and Bill." she said with a smile.

After the rather impressive spar between Michael and Bill, it was finally down to the two of us. I pulled out my lucky wireless guitar. I'd been saving it. I glared him before asking. "Are you ready for this?"

He glared right back before saying "Of course. I'm always ready to beat you at your own game."

"Kick his ass!" I heard Sisky yell as Free Bird was loading. Samantha laughed right as the fretboards popped up. This was it.

After the first half of the song, it was on. I played harder than I ever had, and I could see him slowly losing it as the arrow began to point in my direction. Finally, after all the arm pain and GH carpal tunnel, as I like to call it, it came down to the last few notes. Then, it happened. I won.

Everyone walked over to congratulate me, and I saw Bill walking back to his bus to sulk. Some dememented part of me felt sorry for him, and I couldn't help walking over. "Hey, I know you don't want to miss the after-party. We have cookies." I said.

He broke into a half smile and sighed. "Alright." he sighed, as if I were forcing him to go. "But I'm going to want a rematch eventually." he said.