You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

The Beginning of a Beautiful Thing

I saw Bill walking off the stage, and managed to catch up with him. "Since when did you know how to play the guitar? While you were singing?" I asked with a smirk, a hint of both amusement and shock ringing in my voice.

"Since a long time before I met you." he replied, matching me with a crooked smile. I smiled and shook my head, looking down. I looked back up at him, and my smile grew. "Thanks." he said with a shrug as he walked off. I couldn't help yelling after him. "But don't get too cocky! You don't want your head to get too big to fit on the bus!"
As soon as we got back to our bus I tracked down Valerie. "Hey. Do you think you could help me tune up my guitar skills?" I asked, my face hopeful. I saw her smile and shake her head.

"And, why, exactly would you want to do this?" she asked with a smirk. I stuck out my tongue at her, knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt exactly what she was thinking.

"Because I've got a song to write." I replied simply.
I sat on my bed, trying my best to mimic Val's finger placement on the fretboard. "Like this?" I asked, a little embarassed that I didn't know more. I had guitars... I just wasn't the best at playing them. I mean, I had an idea, I just wasn't a musical protegy; by any standards.

"Exactly." she said with a smile. "Now, just strum, and move your fingers through all the positions I just taught you."

As I did as she said, I realized that retuning my guitar skills wasn't so difficult after all. Just a little touching up, and everything came running back like a flood. I walked over and hugged her. "Thanks so much." I said. "This means more than you know."

"As long as it doesn't involve impressing Michael, we're good to go." she said laughing as she walked out. "And speaking of Michael, I want watermelon."

"What the crap does that have to do with Michael?" I asked, nearly on the floor with laughter. "It doesn't, really." she replied simply before leaving me to scour the fridge.

I leaned over to get my notebook and a pen, then. I had some lyrical wrting to do before I could put my new skills to work. I hummed a tune with every line, trying to find the right words to vent, and the right tune to accent the mood. I hadn't done this in quite a while. It felt like I was back in High School, writing about love instead of all the other crap in the world.

Songs like the one I was writing had always made me so angry. I almost laughed as I kept going, marking out words and adding others. These were the songs that always made me feel like crap, because I knew just how the person felt, and knew that they were lying when they said it would work out.

However, this time I hoped with all my heart, and prayed every night that it would. Only because I might not make it if it didn't.