You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

We've Got A Big Mess On Our Hands...

"Hello? Bella speaking." I said, flipping open my to an unknown number.

"Hey. It's Pete." I heard. Oh. As in Pete Wentz. On my phone. Talking to me. "How is everything?" he asked me.

"Things are pretty good. I beat Bill in an epic Guitar Hero battle. Everyone else is getting along... very well to say the least." I replied with a smirk.

I heard him laugh. "Patrick congratulates you." Pete said. Wait. PATRICK STUMP?! "I hate I missed that. Well, in the category of almost as good news, another band is gonna join you guys from New Jersey to Milwaukee. They're another FBR band, so-" he cut off, and I heard whispers in the background. "Sorry, I have to go. Talk to you later!" he said, and hung up before I could respond.

Great. Just peachy. So, here came another band to join in our chaos. Bill and I still fought, even though we respected each other's musical talent, and Samantha and Valerie were dating Sisky and Michael. Now, watch Summer fall to the temptation of on-tour romance, and I would be alone in my seemingly never-ending battle. I shook my head as I went back to working on my song. This thing was really taking longer than I expected...

After a little bit I gave up, and decided to go inform the others that we had company coming for the next week and a half. I knew they were probably all on the other bus, which they were, so I headed there first.

I coughed to clear my throat, preparing myself for their reactions. "Well guys, Pete just called. Apparently another mystery FBR band will be joining us. He didn't have time to tell me their name." I said. "As you were." I joked, as most of them ignored me.

"Wait. Pete called you?" Bill asked. Superior freak. "Yes." I replied curtly before walking back to the bus.
We were about half an hour away from the New Jersey venue, and I was getting anxious. Who could it be? There were plenty of FBR bands, and despite my superfan status, I hadn't heard of all of them... What if I ended up hating them too? That would be just like my life. I sighed and shook my head as we pulled up slowly. Just watch life try to throw me another demented curveball.

As soon as we stopped, I jumped off the bus. I walked back behind the venue to take a look at their tour bus... Well, they didn't have their name on it. I walked through the back door by use of my ID and heard a familiar voice. It couldn't be...

"Shaant!" I yelled, and practically knocked him over in a hug. "How did you get here? Better queston. Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the very same thing." he said, poking me. "I for one am the lead singer of Cute Is What We Aim For, and I'm going on tour with TAI and some band called Vintage Soup for the next week or so to get my lazy ass off the couch. You?"

I laughed at him before responding. "I would be the lead singer of Some Band Called Vintage Soup, and my next week or so just got a heck of a lot better." You see, I had known Shaant for years. He and I went to high school together. Although I hadn't talked to him in what seemed like forever.... "I've had to put up with these guys for the last three weeks. My life has been a living hell."

"It can't be that bad." he said, putting an arm around me with a big smile.

I tried to look as serious as I could as I responded. "William Beckett stole my favorite pair of pants."

He doubled over in laughter, and I couldn't help but crack a smile."Well, I'll make sure he doesn't raid your closet again." he said, giving me a hug. "God, I've missed you."

"Me too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Title of the chapter to Bilvy. I really kind of hate Shaant now, but I wrote this a long time ago. =/