You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

A Friendship Worth a Thousand Words

"Hey, Bella it's almost time for sound check wherev-" I heard Bill not really trying to get me to sound check, then cut off when he found me. "What the hell? Why are you hugging the freak, Shaant?" I heard Bill ask.

"Haha. Becuase the 'freak'" he said, using air quotes,"just happens to be one of my best friends. And nice pants, Bill." he said. For the first time that day, I noticed that the pants Bill were wearing were the same ones he'd 'not stolen' from me.

I saw Bill give us a death glare and start to walk off. "Well, sound check is starting in a few minutes, so I'd head in that direction if you two have time." he said sarcastically.

Shaant laughed and looked back at me. "What's up with him?"

"He's that bitchy all the time. Especially when I'm around. I'm pretty sure it has absolutely nothing personal to do with you." I replied with an offhand roll of my eyes.

"Except for the fact that he's jealous." I heard him mumur. I ignored it, and yanked his hand. "C'mon, we should get to sound check before Mrs. Beckett comes after us again." I said with a smile.

He laughed and went along obligingly. "Hey, did you come up with that Mrs. Beckett thing all by yourself?"

I smirked back at him almost out the door, still puling him behind me. "You bet."

"I'm rubbing off on you."
"Hey, guys, you'll never guess..." I had walked over from our empty bus, to the TAI bus where most of them were, only to find utter chaos. Bill was in the corner with... plenty of company. Samantha and Sisky were... certainly enjoying themselves. Summer, Felicity, Mike, Val, and Michael were nowhere to be found. Michael and Val were probably at the guitar store, though. They had said something about it. So, I walked back to Cute bus in search of refuge.

"Hey guys." I said, relieved to find Mike, Summer, and all of Cute just hanging. Felicity was probably with Mikey, and I shrugged it off. "I wouldn't suggest going back to your bus right now, Mike."

"Why do you think I'm over here in the first place?" he said with a smirk. "Bill just went crazy, though. He usually doesn't... y'know."

I laughed. "Just justifies my reason to hate him. Anybody wanna play co-op Guitar Hero? It's set up on the other sane bus."

Shaant raised his hand. "I volunteer to lose!" he said, and I smiled. He got up and we walked over to the bus together.

"I'm sure you can't be that bad." I said, playfully punching him in the shoulder. "You haven't seen me play." he said with a laugh.

"You don't lie. Do you realize that we just failed within the first five seconds of my favorite, and my best song?" I laughed as we collapsed on the couch. I couldn't believe that I just failed When You Were Young. With Shaant's help of course.

"What can I say? I suck beyond compare." he said proudly. "Hey. Do I get a reward for that?" he asked with a smile.

"Unless you want Bill's shirt that he still hasn't realized is missing, I guess not." I said with a smirk and a sideways glance at him.

"What? When did the good girl go bad?"

I laughed. "When I realized that being devious is both more fun and productive."