You're Seldom Known and Barely Missed

Movie Time Turns To Chaos

"I can't believe Shaant's back." Summer said sounding more pissed than joyful.

"What's up? I thought you loved Shaant? I mean, like a brother." I said, tilting my head to the side a little. "More like hate him like an annoying brother." she replied.

It was another girl's night in the bus. We were headed to Cleveland, before stopping in at Chicago, then it would be time for Milwaukee, and Shaant would be leaving. "Why? He's always nice to me..." I said, still puzzled.

Summer rolled her eyes. "That just because h-" Suddenly, Valerie popped up. "You know what? I really want to see that movie coming out. Oh, what is it... You know, the new one..."

I laughed, and kind of noticed Summer roll her eyes before she smirked. What was up? The three of us hung out in high school, and she was fine? When did she have contact with Shaant? I shook my head and decided to blow it off. Serious thought was for another time. This night was for fun.

"So, who wants to want watch 13 Going On 30?" I asked, followed by raised hands all around. I smiled. Now, it was time for the fun.
"Heartache to heartache, we stand!" We were in another go-through of the movie, and now we were singing along. We hadn't noticed the bus had stopped until Butcher walked in.

"Hey! Can I join the music video?" We laughed before turning off the movie. "Well, you guys might want to come on out to get ready for the show, since we're here and all. Oh, and I'd hurry. Sound check is in ten." he said walking out. I heard a few yells, and the bus was like a really bad rush hour. Me? I could care less. I get ready later. I kind of wanted to show off my new penguin pajama pants. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and walked into the venue.

Samantha followed me, looking a little more put together. She looked over my out fit and smirked. "Niiiice. I guess you're not trying to impress anyone." I just shrugged and laughed.

"Why would I? Until I need to look good for the audience, I just want to be comfortable. Why do you think I havent put in my contacts?" I said. It was true... I usually kept my contacts in. After all, my horn-rimmed glasses? They weren't the sexiest in the world.

She just shrugged and looked down with a smirk. What on earth was with everyone since Shaant was here? Honestly.
"Hey there guys. Sorry if I'm a li-" I had cut off mid-sentence walking into sound check, and my eyes were wide with shock. Why? Oh, I'll tell you. "Bill, what the hell happened to wearing a shirt in public?"

He just jumped off the stage and stood in front of me with a smirk. "Well, the shirt I was planning to wear disappeared, so I decided to go without."

I rolled eyes. "Just don't blame me when you get arrested for indecnt exposure or something." I said, and he smirked at me. "Oh, and don't expect me to be anywhere near the stage during your set. I'm not going deaf this early on in life." I said, taking the stage, refering to the fangirly screams he'd surely be recieved with.

He winced then, squeezing his eyes shut. "Yeah, you're right. I'll go find something." he said, going backstage. "And I love your penguin pants." he whispered to me as he walked past on his way to the bus, and I shivered. He hadn't ever gotten that close to me unless he was angry, and it was almost kind of... hot.

Dammit. Not again.