Kidnapped Bill

Going To The Meet And Greet

Another concert had ended and I was so pumped and excited from singing. It had been a wonderful night, running across the stage and dancing like mad. I love my life, well, I would if he felt the same for me. I'm Bill Kaulitz, singer from Tokio Hotel. I couldn't help but stare at him throughout the whole concert, I even swayed my body with him but I doubt he took it the way I did. Yes, I'm in love with my twin, Tom Kaulitz. I know, twincest you don't have to tell me twice. I thought about my whole life but my feelings for him just get stronger by the second. We said our thank you's before running off the stage to the back room. Gustav jumped on the couch, ready to fall asleep from tiredness. Georg just took a beer out from the fridge before sitting down in a chair next to Gustav. Tom, smiling his lovely smile, sat down next to me. I could feel my heart in my chest beat so hard and fast I thought it was going to explode.
"Guys, get cleaned up, we have a meet and greet to go to," David stated.
We all moaned loudly as we got up to get ready. Gerog went to get a new t-shirt with Gustav as Tom went to fix his dreads. I just went into the bathroom and locked the door. I slid down the wall in the corner, putting my head in my hands. I wanted to tell Tom so bad, ever since I was fourteen I wanted to, but I was afriad of what would happen. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks as I thought of Tom never speaking to me or hating me forever.
I jumped. It was Tom at the door. I must've dosed off for I looked at my watch and realized it was a quater past. I quickly wiped my eyes before unlocking the door and putting on a fake smile. Tom looked at me like something was up but I walked past him and out the door with the security guards before he could question me. I had to fake my smile more as we all walked outside to the limo. I signed a few shirts, cards, cd's before I finally got inside the limo. Gustav and Georg started having a poking fight while listening to a ipod together. Tom slightly touched my shoulder which made me shiver. I turned and faced Tom, to see him look back at me with worried eyes.
"What's wrong?"
I couldn't keep him worrying or it will kill me. I went to answer him when the limo stopped and the doors were opened for us to be let out.
"I'll tell you later"
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Here we go! I'm so sorry about stopping! So many things have happened to me! I hope you like!