Kidnapped Bill

Wished I Told You My Feelings Before

(Tom's pov)
My heart skipped a beat when I heard Bill scream. I started running even faster toward his scream that was cut off so suddenly. My mind was fearing the worst but I pushed back the thoughts and the tears and concentrated on getting Bill.
(Bill's pov)
My eyes had gone so wide from seeing who the man truly was. To find that it was Ronon made me want to scream at him but I was so scared cuz he had a knife in his hands. I tried to move, but he grabbed a hold of my hair and pulled me back really hard, the knife poking into my throat. My breathing was so fast, I could the sweat drip down my forehead. I closed my eyes as the knife was digging deeper. I was preparing to be slashed to death before I felt that the knife wasn't there anymore and my hair wasn't being pulled. I opened my eyes to see Tom fighting with Ronon. I had to blink a couple of times to make sure that it was Tom and knowing that it was, all I could do is watch. Tom was throwing punches, Ronon sometimes blocking but getting hit most of the times. I thought that Tom was winning but I was wrong when a gun was pulled out. Tom was fighting to get the gun away from him, but Ronon hit Tom in the head with the side of the gun, knocking Tom into the wall. I screamed when I saw that Tom was knocked out and blood was slowly dripping down his head. Ronon was putting the gun toward Tom's head but I had managed to crawl to Ronon and pushed the gun when the shot fired and hit the wall. Ronon was trying to get the gun back but I bit his arm so that he dropped the gun into my hands and I took it and pointed it at Ronon. Ronon quickly backed up. I kept looking from Tom to Ronon. I had to see if Tom was ok, but I was afriad if I moved, Ronon would get the gun from me or do something else to Tom. I could hear Tom start to mutter things, trying to open his eyes. But when I looked at Tom, Ronon snatched the gun from my hands and now he had the gun pointed at me. Tom opened his eyes to see the gun pointed at me and he pulled me into his arms.
"You'll have to kill us both!" Tom yelled.
I clinged to Tom, just waiting for the gun to go off and it did. I didn't feel anything though, no blood, no screams, no nothing. I opened my eyes the same time Tom did and we looked up at Ronon who suddenly fell to the ground. We turned to look at the door to see the FBI guy that Tom recgonized from the hospital. We could hear more footsteps and we soon found Georg and Gustav by our side and the ambulance and more of the FBI. I looked up at Tom who was crying and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and had tears fall down my face as well. Tom looked into my eyes just as I was, there were no words that needed to be said, we could see right through to our souls. We slowly leaned forward, letting our lips touch before having deep passionate kisses.
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WOOT! Its almost over! There's another chapter and its all about happiness and a lovely scene