Kidnapped Bill


(Tom's pov)
I felt like a complete and total asshole. Bill was right, I went and slapped him for getting kissed when I sleep with groupies all the time. I don't know why I slapped him, I felt this erge of jealousy rush through me. Having Bill crying and screaming at me and to even hit me made me realize why. I'm in love with my twin brother. I've always protected him and had to be close to him or I would feel weird. Sleeping with groupies now, it made me want to shoot myself for doing that. I had to apoligize to Bill and tell him how I feel. I walked back to the hotel room, right outside room, 483. I couldn't bring my hand to knock on the door. I remember Bill had a secret to tell me. I grew scared. What was the secret, what if I blew it and he'll never tell me. No, I have to calm down and apoligize first. Just having Bill smile at me again was all I needed. I went to knock on the door when the door slid open. My heart started to beat fast and loud. Bill always locks his door. I walked inside, seeing the bed a mess and stuff all knocked over but no Bill. I went to the lightswitch and turned on the lights, having my heart skip a beat. Their was blood splattered on the lamp and bed. I walked up to the bed, seeing more blood over the bed. Tears were falling once again. Images of Bill being murdered played through my head. My eyes caught a glimpse of a piece of paper under the covers. I took the piece out and slowly read it.
Dear Tom,
I'm sorry for lashing out on you. All I wanted was to tell you my secret that I had kept inside of me for years. I wanted to tell you but those whores got in the way. I don't blame you, I blame myself. Maybe, if I would've told you that I loved you, you never would've slept with groupies.
My heart beat faster. Did I just read it right? Bill said that he loved me for years more than a brother. I kept on reading, wanting to know more.
Yes, Tom, I just said that I love you more than a brother. I love you as a lover. You can hate me if you want, you already seem like you do. I can't keep it inside me anymore. I went to kill myself, Tom, I went to jump off the building for you but this guy stopped me. He came onto me, shocking us both. This probably won't mean anything to you, but......
That's where it stopped there. The paper was also covered in blood, but only in little spots. Something happened. I couldn't think straight. All I wanted was Bill, that's all I wanted. Why did I have to screw up! Tears fell more and more as I just slid to the ground. My heart ached. I'm so stupid!
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This probably doesn't make sense....