Kidnapped Bill

Nothing We Can Do

Gustav and Georg found me on the floor. I had cut my wrists, craving Bill's name into my left arm. They had called the ambulance and the police. I woke up in the hospital. My head hurt like hell, my heart aching for Bill to be in my arms again. Gustav and Georg were huddles together on the small vistor bed in the corner. They looked up at me with sad eyes, knowing what had happened last night.
"Saki told us," Gerog stated.
I just laid there on the bed, Bill never leaving my mind. I heard a faint cough from my left so I turned to see a FBI agent sitting in a chair, obviously waiting to talk to me. His face seemed sad and stressed and I really was afraid of what he had to say. He stood up and walked over to me. His face still the same as he started to speak.
"Tom Kaulitz, we read the letter and looked at the scene. Don't worry, the letter is just evidence, the contents are not our business. The blood we found splattered everywhere is of Bill's and some other man. Bill had put up a fight before he was kidnapped."
"So where is he?" I asked.
The man's face seemed to drop even more. He put his hand on my shoulder.
"We don't know, we have no leads or whereabouts of where the man could've taken your brother."
Anger grew inside of me. Are they giving up now?
"KEEP LOOKING!" I shouted.
The man just stood there, his hand still on my shoulder. I was getting so angry.
"I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do right now,"
The man just left with those words, like it was nothing. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I slammed my fists on the bed. I was pissed, not only at them, but more at myself. I should've never yelled at Bill. I should've stayed with him. He would still be with me if I had stayed with him. Gerog and Gustav came and embraced me, they had tears falling as well.
(Bill's pov)
All I can remember is slapping and yelling at Tom before storming off, tears falling down my face. It was a blur as I walked back to the hotel, slamming the door behind me as I jumped onto the bed, more tears pooring out. I had grabbed a sheet of paper and started writing out my feelings before...before a hand grabbed at my mouth. I remember, twisting, trying to get out of the man's hold, biting his fingers, gettting hit and slammed against the wall. I could feel his and my own blood on me. Then everything went dark. I suddenly awake to no noise, darkness all around me. I can feel a cloth over my eyes and my hands tied behind my back. I have a pounding headache but it isn't pounding as hard as my heart is. I try to reach for anything to get me free, but so far no luck. I hear laughter in the background. I'm scared. I want to be home. I wish I never had slapped Tom. I wish I had told him beforehand. I wish I was in Tomi's arms.
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