Kidnapped Bill

Help Me

(Bill's pov)
I don't even want to talk about how much pain I am in. My head is pounding from being slammed into the wall, my whole body having marks and brusies everywhere. I looked out the window finding it to still be night time. I had the weirdest dream that I found Tom crying, sitting outside what seemed like a FBI station, looking up into the night sky at the north star. It was if I felt his hand in mine, as if I was with Tom once again. I snapped back into reality when I felt my tears fall down my cheeks. Oh, how much I wish to be in Tom's arms again. I looked into the corner, seeing my clothes all crumbled up and wrinkled. I got my clothes back on, going slowly so that the pain of moving wasn't as unbearable. My cell phone was no where to be found, I know that the guy had taken it. I looked back up outside the window at the north star, reaching my hand out as if to touch it, but I let my hand slid down to the side of my body, while I leaned against the wall, pulling my knees up to my chest, wishing to be with Tom again.
(Tom's pov)
I didn't care how fast I was going, and I'm pretty sure it was way over one hundred miles per hour. I was so determined to find Bill, no matter what the costs. Gustav and Georg were constantly asking what I was doing, but I blocked out their voices, only concentrating on hearing Bill's. I slammed the brakes, the car stopping, almost flying Georg out of the windshield if he didn't put his seat belt on. I jumped out of the car, leaving Gerog and Gustav behind as I ran as fast as I could inside the old castle. It was dark and cold and I cursed myself for not bringing a flashlight. I contiuned walking, trying every door to see if it would open but it wouldn't. I listened for any movement or sounds other than from me but there was only wind.
(Bill's pov)
I thought I heard something at first, my body stiffening if it was that man again. The noise just suddenly stopped though. I looked up toward the door, before I crawled over to it and put my ear to the door. I thought I was just going crazy until I heard footsteps walking by. Thoughts quickly went to my head that it could be Tom. I started shouting his name constantly. I didn't stop until I heard a reply back, and it sounded like Tom. I smiled and then kept calling out his name.
(Tom's pov)
When I heard Bill's voice, I thought I was going crazy. But I kept hearing him call my name constanly and I knew I wasn't going crazy. I started running toward his voice, as tears were already starting to fall. I would almost have Bill in my arms again and I can tell him how much I loved him.
(Bill's pov)
I kept calling until I heard the footsteps get louder like they were running toward the door and then they stopped right in front of the door.
"Bill, where are you?" I heard Tom call.
I smiled wider and shouted.
"I'm in here!"
The door started shaking like he was trying to open the door. Tears were flowing down my face, for just thinking of being in Tom's arms again made me so happy. I backed away and stood up as the door flew open and my smile fell fast.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.
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