There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

Welcome Home, Patrick

"Patrick!" I cried. I ran towards him as soon as I saw him get off the plane. I nearly knocked him over when I hugged him, and he laughed.

"Since when are you this happy to see me?" he asked, stepping back with a smile as we went to claim his luggage. I smiled and giggled a little as I picked up one of his suitcases.

"Since you're keeping me from being homeless and I haven't seen you in about... five months!" I exclaimed, thinking it just a bit obvious. Mainly because it was. At least, to me. He just smiled and shook his head as we walked to my VW bug. Yeah, I got a bug. Be jealous.

"So, how is everyone?" he asked me. I shrugged a little as we put all his crap in the trunk and got into our seats.

"Well, the last thing I heard, Valerie and Michael were living in Australia, Sisky and Sam were sharing an apartment on the other side of Chicago, Summer was in Canada with her new BF, and Felicity and Mikey were getting married in Pennslyvania. I lived with Shaant for a while." I recited off the last few fun facts I'd been given, before finishing lamely.

"What about-? Oh. Sorry. I kep forgetting." he asked, then mumbled apologetically. I winced a little before composing myself. "It's cool." I replied before starting the car.

You're probably wondering the same damn thing he was. Only you can't even remember. You're uninformed. You want to know what on Earth happened to little Bilvy.

We broke up.

As in he broke up with me. He said 'our relationship wasn't going anywhere.' Then he went back to Christine. So, heart broken, (and just plain broke) I went to the first person I could think of. Shaant. He took me in immediately. I didn't really want it to, but the unavoidable happened. We ended up dating. It wasn't tht I didn't like him... just not that much. I was just trying so hard not to think about him. It wasn't unpleasant, I won't lie. Just that every time he even held my hand, 'Decoy' started playing in my head. Eventually, we broke up too. I guess he wanted something real instead all that I could give him, fake.

Back to my present situation, I was staying on a couch in Patrick Stump's Chicago apartment. We'd gotten to be friends on my second tour. Vintage Soup, TAI, FOB, Paramore, and Cobra Starship. God, that was fun. It had been two years now since I'dmet Bill started touring with FBR. Vintage Soup had been signed by FBR, and put out an album before we decided to chill for a while.

"So I'm going to assume you still need a place to stay?" Patrick said, gracefully changing the subject. His questioning tone was a 180 from his statement, and I smiled at him, pushing the past away.

"That assumption is..... correct." I said, mimicking that stupid new game show. Whatever the hell it is. "Why do you think I came to pick you up?"

He looked over at me and siled as we pulled up, and I stopped the car. "Because you love me?" he said, and when I looked over again, he had the cutest puppy dog pout I'd ever seen on his face.

I laughed and shook my head a little as we got all of his shit out of the trunk and began to walk toward the entrance. "I do love you. Just as long as you're putting a roof over my head." I joked, and we walked into the building laughing.

He smiled at me as we stopped so we could readjust the luggage for a moment, making it easier to carry. "Now how in the world could I kick out my best friend? Especially with all the bad news I've al-" He stopped. His eyes widened and his mouth snapped shut as he realized what he said. "Damn." he breathed. Suddenly, he started back, cheerier and quicker. "Nothing. Nevermind." he said, and sped to the elevator, where he pressed the call button repeatedly.

"Oh, it's definitely something." I mumured, hurrying after him. "Patrick? What do you mean bad news?" I asked frantically. "Is someone hurt? What kind of bad news? Is someone dead?"

He sighed and turned. "No one's dead. Everybody's fine. Just that you might not be, emotionally." he said, and I sighed, both with relief and exasperation. "I'll give you the good news first. Take a deep breath." He gave me a moment, and I did as he said before he spoke again. "You're going to headline HCT."

My jaw fell to the floor. It must have. "Oh- Oh my- Holy shit!" I screamed and laughed, jumping up and down. People then began to stare, which made me laugh even harder. "Patrick, that's amazing!" I laughed again as I grabbed his arm and he gave a weak smile as we entered the elevator.

"The bad news comes in who's going on tour with you." he said, and I prepared myself for the worst. "There's Cobra Starship," I smiled and laughed. I loved those dorks like the family I never had. "Panic At the Disco," I shrugged. I didn't know the boys too well, but they seemed cool enough. "Paramore," I gasped and jumped up and down again. So I was excited. The bond between Vicky-T Hayley and I was one to be reckoned with. "And... The Academy Is."

I froze, and my heart seemed to shatter in my chest. There was no way. No fucking way I could make it through a tour with him. As the elevator stopped, I walked out in a daze, and followed Patrick to the door. "Isn't there anything you can do?" I asked weakly as he unlocked the door, and I imediately took a seat on the couch.

He stood nearby and gave me a half-hearted smile. "I could get you some Ben & Jerry's ice cream." he responded sheepishly, and I gave a short, harsh laugh.

"Just make sure it's chocolate fudge brownie."