There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

Finally, a Hotel Bed

I dropped my duffel bag on the ground and stretched a little as I stepped into the hotel room Bill and I were sharing. We were staying in a Best Western for the night. Trust me, the rockstar life's not as glamorous as you think. "So... you wanna see what's on television or what?" I asked, plopping down on the bed and playing with the small hole in the comforter.

"Actually... Maybe we should talk first. If you don't mind." he said, biting his lip. He sat down a foot away from me or so and looked at me with caution. Why was he looking at me like that? Had someone died?

I pushed through my thoughts to smile at him comfortingly and lay a hand gently on his shoulder. "I don't mind. What's up?"

He sighed and looked down, avoiding my eyes. "It's just... See, before you had amnesia..." He paused. Perhaps for thought, or maybe he was really this freaked out about whatever he was trying to tell me. "You and Ryan were becoming really good friends. And I... I thought you might be cheating on me with him. So.... We were kind of 'taking a break' or whatever..."

I bit my lip. "I see..." I looked at him to find his gaze on me. I smiled a little and scooted over to wrap my arms around his neck. I heard him sigh with relief as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Consider our break officially over." I said, pulling back to look at him.

He smiled cookedly at me before slowly, our lips met. As his tongue pressed past my lips, I realized how desperate the kiss was becoming. It felt like we hadn't done this in ages. How long had that break been? Or had I just been in the hospital longer than I thought?

As his fingertips reched the skin underneath my t-shirt, he stopped. "Maybe..." he paused to take a shaky breath. "Maybe we should take it slow. I mean, you just got out of the hospital and all."

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yeah. Alright."
The next night, I had hardly gotten in the door before Bill's lips were pressed desperately to mine. I stepped back, losing my balance, until he pressed my back against the door. I smiled a little into the kiss as my hands tangled in his hair.

He pulled away and smiled. "Great set tonight."

I fought to keep from laughing. "Thank you very much, Bilvy." I pressed another quick kiss to his lips and pulled away. "So have you changed your mind about taking it slow? Or am I just that sexy on stage?"

He bit his lip and kissed me again. more gently this time. He held me carefully, as if I might break. I wondered if he were becoming bipolar before he pulled away to look me in the eyes. "I think I changed my mind. If you don't have any complaints."

I smiled and kissed him deeply. "Now why on Earth would I have any complaints whatsoever about making use of sharing a hotel bedroom with my boyfriend?"

He laughed and took my hand, walking us over to the bed, where I ended up falling onto it. I pouted for a moment before he laid down with me and kissed me again.

Finally. Another chance.[i/]
Stupid conscience.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this was just sort of filler. The next chapter is my favorite, and the last I have pre-written, so updates will be a little slower after that.