There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

Amnesia Never Lasts Forever

"Bill." I rolled over and snuggled up against my... Wait! "Bill?" I shot up and jumped out of the bed, taking a sheet with me to cover myself. "What the hell?"

He groggily opened his eyes and looked at me. "Wha-" Then, he shot up. "Fuck. Umm... I can... I can explain?" he said in a high-pitched voice.

I marched to my suitcase, taking out some clothes and try to change behind the sheet. "That's what they all say."

"You had amnesia! You-"

"What?!" I gaped at him, holding the sheet tighter around myself. "You bastard!" I finished pulling on my jeans and threw my beltbuckle at him. "You took advantage of me while I was... incapacitated!"

"No no no! It was your idea!"

I rolled my eyes. "Sure it was, Mrs. Beckett."

"You cannot use that insult right now! You just-"

"Don't you dare say it, William Eugene Beckett Junior!"

He groaned as he fell back against the bed. "Do you have to use my full name, Arabella Dawn Morphis?"

"Yes."I replied shortly. Then, my brows furrowed. "And don't use my full name, William."

"I can use your full name if I want, Arabella. I am my own man."

"Fine." I quickly gathered my things, heading for the door. "Good day, William."

"Good day, Arabella."

All you are to me is deadSixty bullets split your head
All you are to me is dead skin.

"Somebody's been busy." Gabe said in a sing-song voice, and I hit his shoulder. "What? Hotel walls are thin, chica."

My eyes widened. "Please, please Gabe. Please tell me you're joking."

"Whoa... You mean you actually..." He laughed, and I smacked his shoulder again. "Who knew amnesia could cause such drama?"

"Apparently not me. God, I cannot believe I slept with him! Amnesia or not." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Well," He snaked his arm around my shoulders. "That particular thought is easily wiped with some help from-"


He smirked. "What?"

"Could you not be a manwhore? For five minutes?" I asked. I shivered a little as he leaned close and whispered in my ear.

"Not around you, mi alma."

Wait... "What does mi alma mean? Why do I not know this?"

He laughed and leaned back. "I wouldn't look it up if I were you."

"Oh great. It probably means my whore or something doesn't it?"

He smirked. "Not neccessarily."

I pouted. "Fine. Just don't tell me."

"Well, I would," He kissed my temple. "But you wouldn't like it, if I know you as well as I think I do."

I elbowed him and blushed a little. See, in case you couldn't tell, Gabe and I have sort of a... thing. But it just didn't work. The age difference, his hopeless flirting, I usually had another guy anyways. But I liked Gabe. A lot. And I got the impression that he liked me. A lot. "Well, I have to go talk it out with Ryro."

"Alright." He hugged me. "Good luck. Not that you need it or anything."

Would it be all right,
If we just sat and talked for a little while,
If in exchange for your time,
I give you this smile?

"Hey, Ryan." I said, carefully walking over to him.

"Oh!" he looked up from his notebook, a little surprisedand as adorable as ever. "Hey, Bella. Look, I'm really, really sorry. I mean... I was stupid. And you were hurt, and in the hospital, and it was all my fault. I'm so-"

I smiled, suttign him off. "Hey, it's cool. What's life without a little drama? Anyways, I'm not mad. A little upset, but not mad."

He smiled weakly at me. "Good to know. So are we cool?"

I grinned and hugged him. "Of course. You're too cute for me not to forgive you."

He smiled again, wider this time. "Thanks, Bella." he said. "Oh... So are you and Bill...?"

"No." I answered quickly.

"Good." he said with a nod. Then, he bit his lip. "I mean, it's not like I mind or anything but... I just saw him with another girl."