There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

The Nightmare Before HCT

"Would beating me at Guitar Hero help anything? Cause I could let you win..." I heard Patrick ask, and I smiled weakly at him as I got another spoonful of ice cream, or my new heart medicine as I liked to call it.
"Not really. But thanks for trying, Pat." I said, still attempting to half-smile as I dipped my spoon back in the carton.
"Why don't we just watch a movie? You have, like, every half-good movie known to man-"

"And several known to monkey." he finished my comment and we smiled. He looked down at his shelves of DVDs.
"Well, I know you love this movie on a normal basis, but with the mood you're in, is there any chance that you'd want to watch The Nightmare Before-"
"Ohmygod, ohmygod, OHMYGOD!" I exclaimed, jumping up and running over to Patrick, ripping the case out of his hands. "You have the special edition! AHH! What the hell are you waiting for? Put it in! Put it in!" I yelled again, thrusting it back in his hands. He just laughed and shook his head as he obliged.

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween

"I seriously love that movie way too damn much." I said, stretching out and laughing a little as the credits started to roll. I sung along with every song and mouthed most of the lines, annoying the hell out of Patrick.

He just smiled and shook his head. "I'm certainly not going to disagree with you." he said. I stood up from the couch, getting out from under my blanket. I stretched a little again before rummaging through my things, still all in my suitcase, for my pajamas.

"I think I'll hit the hay. But... uh, when does that tour kick off?"

"Well, you girls will have a starter show for a small audience next Tuesday. Then, in a month, everyone wil go on tour." he said matter-of-factually. His expression softened a little as he said the next part, though. "I'll be leaving in three weeks for New York, though. FOB shit... Good news about it is that Cobra's flying in early, and they needed a place to stay, so-"

I turned with a gasp, before running over and nearly tackling him in a hug for the second time that day. "Patrick! You know, I think that if you wanted to cheer me up, that was the perfect weay to do it." I said, goiung back to find my toothbrush. "I mean, a week in the same apartment with the Cobras... That's gonna be the shit." I said with a smirk.

He closed his eyes and looked down for a moment before tilting his head back up with a concerned look. "Please. Just don't trash my apartment too badly." I rolled my eyes at him a little.

"Silly. Whatever we break, we'll make Gabe put back just the way it was." I joked, then my laughs turned into a yawn. "Now, I've got to get ready for bed. I haven't had a good night's sleep in forever. Night, Pat."

He smiled and shook his head on the way to his room. "Night, Bells." Then, right before he went through the door, he turned for a moment. "And I forgot to tell you. All the girls are flying in on Monday. Or, in Sam's case, driving."