There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

How to Get Kicked Out of an Airport

"So put your hands in the air and don't make a sound, but don't get the wrong idea..." I rolled over and groaned. There was ipod alarm, right on time as usual. I was about to hit snooze when it hit me. "It's Monday!" I screamed, jumping off the couch and dashing to my suitcase.

I heard a loud groan and a thud from the other room, and realized I must have woken up Patrick. I sniggered a little as he stuck his head out the door, his hair disheveled and his glasses askew. "Why the hell do I let you live here?"

I smiled brightly at him as I stood with my carefully chosen clothes. "Because you love me." I copied and threw back at him easily as I walked to the bathroom to change, and he just pulled his head back into his room, shaking it groggily.I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep

"Sam!" I cried. She was the first to reach the airport naturally, seeing as she was only riding by car from the other side of Chicago.

"Bella!" she yelled, and hugged me energetically. "How ya been?"

I smiled with a sigh. "Eh, not so hot. Between Bill and Shaant, and life in general... I mean, have you heard who we're touring with? That's my biggest problem at the moment."

"Yeah, I get it. Even if I don't feel the same." she said sympathetically. "But hey, when life sucks, just think of how much worse it could suck."

I laughed a little as I hugged her again. "Since when are you this damn positive?"

"I blame Sisky."

We laughed a little together as a voice came over the speaker. "1:30 flight from Sydney arriving." We screamed in sync and jumped up and down at the prospect of seeing Valerie again. Patrick still stood behind us, rolling his eyes. Sam waved energectically at him as soon as she saw him, though, forcing him to crack a smile.

I looked back over and saw Valerie come down, still holding Michael's hand as they walked in our general direction. I started jumping up and down, waving my arms wildly. She saw me immediately, and let go of Michael's hand, kissing him on the cheek quickly. She nearly knocked Sam and I down when she ran into us with a big hug. It was the group hug moment like no other.

"Sam! Bella! I definitely missed you guys more than sweet tea."

Sam and I pulled back at the same time to exchange similar 'wtf?' looks before we all laughed together. "Glad to have you back, Val." I said.

Suddenly, there was a voice behind us. "Geez, ignore me why don't cha? All the way from Canada, and no one-"

"Summer!" we exclaimed in unison, and she was pulled into the group. "How are you Summer? Haven't heard from you in a while." I said, and the rest of the group nodded vigorously.

"Well, you know-" Summer started.

"No we don't. We just told you that." Val said, and we all laughed for a moment before nodding for Summer to start again.

"I was with a guy named Rob for a while, but it didn't really work out." we all awwed, and she shook her head. "It's cool. Who knows what might happen on tour?" she said, wagging her eyebrows suggestively, and we all laughed again.

Suddenly, Patrick walked up behind us. Patrick spoke first. "Well, Felicity's plane has been delayed. Hence, we'll be here for another.."

"Oh, I say an hour at least." Michael finished, and we all sighed.

My face, however, lit up. "Well, who's up for a little airport exploration?" I asked and we all smirked devishly.

My friends are a different breed.
My friends are everything

"I can't believe you guys got kicked out of an airport. That's pretty crazy." said Michael, shaking his head.

"We need to pick up Felicity soon!" I exclaimed.

"I've got an idea. We'll need makeup, but I have the rest covered.
I now stood in the airport in a turquoise wig, big yellow sunglasses, and other oddly fahionable clothes, smacking gum. I had on stiletto boots to match my hair and shirt, with yellow skinny jeans scrunched down over them about halfway. I had on a yellow tank top under a turquoise off the shoulder top. These were accented by my big yellow hoop earrings and beaded blue necklace. Why did Summer have all this stuff? I do not know. I was holding a sign that had Felicity on it in cursive print.

"Bubble Gum to Cotton Candy...Over." I said into my walkie-talkie. Cotton Candy referred to Val. She was basically a pink and blue version of me.

"No sign of them yet, Bubble Gum. Over."

"10-4." I said. "Over." I fiddled with one of the dials a little to change the frequency."Bubble Gum to Rain Cloud, over." That was Sam. Purple wig, black and purple everything else. Of course only Sam even wanted to try this outfit. Very dark and gothic. That was Sam for ya.

"T-Minus three minutes in counting, according to the arrival and departure board." Over."

"Bubble Gum to Rainbow." Summer. Use your own imagination, and I'm sure you'll get the perfect picture.

"Plane's landing!" she said, and I switched to all frequencies. "Bubble Gum over. It's been a plane ride from LAX to O'Hare." I said, stealingBill'sTAI lyrics for code.

I heard an excited chorus of '10-4' and they all came over to join me at the sign. We must have been a sight. All wearing oddly colored bob wigs and bright clothes(except Sam, of course) with sunglasses.

Felicity saw the sign and came towards us with Mikey by the hand, a puzzled look on her face.

"Umm... hi?"

I smiled at her. "Just come outside with us to the car. Then you'll understand."

She just nodded her head and shrugged following us, and convincing Mikey to do the same.
As we stepped out, we all removed our wigs and sunglasses. "Felicity!" we yelled, hugging her. I lied earlier. This was a group hug moment like no other. Especially with the look on Felicity's face all making us laugh like crazy people.

"What the hell?" she asked, and everyone laughed again, while I simply tried to explain what was going on.

"We-" And I got no further. I was laughing way too hard for explanations. Patrick took over.

"They got kicked out of the airport, and used disguises and code names to get back in and pick you up."

"Oh, well, it's great to see you guys again regardless. I mean, even if you were kicked out of an airport. I still love you."

"You better." I threatened, a smile still glued to my face. "After all, you'll be dealing with us for three whole months soon enough."

I get by
With a little help

From my friends
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow... I feel accomplished. Two subscribers already! ^-^ I'll be putting up several more chapters tonight, since I'm still just moving them over from Quizilla. Once I get to 13, though, I'll be writing as I go.