There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

Some Quality Time With the Cobras

I won't waste my time telling you about thewalking disaster that was the LA kickoff. Other than the fact that the girl who won the flyaway basically bitch-slapped me for 'breaking up with Bilvy.' Yeah. What a big bowl of fun that was. Plus, the guard/manager guy kept hitting on me, and he was like twice my age. Ugh. No more talking. I'll just go straight to the magical week I had in Patrick's apartent with the Cobras. And yes, magical is the only word to describe it properly.

Losing the feeling
Of feeling unique

"We fail to represent, we fail to be content, we fail at everything we ever even try to attempt. And so the story goes, as only Betty knows-" I was blaring Motion City Soundtrack and singing along as loudly as possible, seeing as Patrick was in New York, and Cobra was on their way. Suddenly, I heard something at the door.

"Mierda! Su maleta maldita aterriz en el pie, Ry!" The spanish cursing gave it away.

"Gabe! Guys! Wait a sec!" I yelled over the music, jumping over to the stereo and turning it off before running quickly to the door. As I yanked it open, I found Vicky-T keeping Ryland from being strangled by Gabe, with Alex and Nate standing a little frightened behind them.

I sighed and laughed a little as they started to break it up, and looked over at me. "Gabe, please don't injure Ryland because his suitcase landed on your foot. I think you'll be fine. Do you need an icepack?" I said, and Gabe immediately attacked me with a hug.

"Bella, chica I missed you and your knowledge of the ultimate language!" he said, and I laughed as everyone else rolled their eyes.

"I'll assume that means you're fine." I said. "So, guys, how ya been?" The rest of them greeted me one by one, with a hug or a few casual words as we sat down in the living room.

"Better then you, novia, from what I've heard."

"Yeah, it kind of sucks that Bill's coming on tour after that whole nasty business between the two of you, but maybe something good will happen between you and one of the Panic boys. They're pretty adorable." Vicky-T said, and smiled at her.

"Eh, thanks but no thanks. Lest something spectacular happen, I think I'll just be single for a while. Sorry, Gabe." I added, and the rest of the group laughed while Gabe pouted a little.

"Seriously, though. We're here for you, Bella." Alex added, and I smiled over at him.

"Well, I'm glad to have you guys going on tour with us. Without you guys and Paramore, I'm not sure I'd make it." I said. Then I shook my head quickly. "Time for a change of subject. You guys wanna watch a movie? Patrick has, like, everything."

"I'll get the drinks and popcorn!" Ryland exclaimed from the couch, and nearly ran to the kitchen. "And I'll make sure he doesn't screw anything up." Vicky-T added, following him slowly.

I smiled at Nate, Alex and Gave. "So, we get to make the oh-so importante decision. What are we watching?"

"Holy shit! Labyrinth! I haven't seen this in ages. What do you say, mamacita?" Gabe asked, fluttering his eyelashes a little. Hopeless manwhore.

I smiled. "Don't ask me twice, senor. I love that movie." I replied, and Alex and Nate just shrugged.

"We're baaa-aack!" Ryland called, walking in with a bowl of popcorn. "And bearing refreshments." Vicky-T added, carrying sodas and candy.

"Cheesy 80s puppet movie time! Courtesy of David Bowie and Jim Henson." I exclaimed, and pressed play.

Everybody's living like they're crazy in love
I'm a dizzy mess, and everything is so above me

I woke up in someone's arms. "Bill." I whispered snuggling closer. Then, my memory came flooding back, and my eyes flew open. I bit my lip as I realized I must have fallen asleep during the movie... But this was bad. Like, catastrophic. Why? I had fallen asleep on Gabe Saporta. Gabe was a hopeless flirt... Right now I was obviously his target. Which wasn't good for my 'I'm planning to stay single and be independently happy without Bill,' philosophy.
I wiggled out carefully from the arms around my waist and went to the kitchen for a little coffee. No need to wake Gabe. I took a glance at the clock. 5:15. I sighed to myself as I stirred a little cream into the bitter black liquid.

Suddenly, there was a noise behind me. Couldn't escape for five freaking-

"Bella, por qu no es usted dormido?" he asked. Why wasn't I asleep? I fall asleep in his arms, he wakes up and I'm gone and he just wants a simple answer for why I'm not asleep.
I sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Gabe, I just couldn't sleep. But look, this whole-"

"This never happened, at least you'd rather it not have, and it most likely never will, no matter what I say or do. Futhermore, I will not mention it to anyone or you'll strangle me with something." he said, stepping away with a roll of his eyes. "I get it. But I don't think you'll be single for as long as you'd like, mamacita."

Diamond girl,
I wanna wrap you around the world

I'll never let you touch the ground
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if the Spanish sucks guys, I just used an online translator and double-checked some of the single terms with my dictionary from Spanish class.