There's a Fine Line Between What Is Justified or Just Obscene

Meeting With Panic, In More Ways Than One

My week was Cobra couldn't have possibly prepared me for the chaos to come. Sure, it was fun. For a week. Now, it was time to mave forward. Face the 'ultimate challenge.' And I sure as hell wasn't ready. Sure, I had Paramore, and Cobra and Panic, and the rest of the boys of TAI. But should Bill and I be left alone, it was me against the world. And I wasn't anticipating that. Because seeing as we were both lead singers that used to do everything together, we'd probably be expected to do stuff together now. And that was just something I couldn't handle. I mean, I still had some feelings for the guy, but I was pissed, and he and another girlfriend who he'd probably parade around the whole venue when we kicked off the tour itself that night in Chicago. And I just wasn't ready to watch that.

Forgive, sounds good.
Forget, I'm not sure I could.

Hayley placed her hand on my shoulder. "Look, that doesn't sound like fun... But we'll get through this. I'll make sure nothing happens."

"It's not that... I can definitely handle stick-boy. Just that... I don't want to. I never wanted us to break up. It just kind of happened." I said pathetically. It was true... I hadn't wanted us to end. He just drove a wedge between us. However, if he wanted to start a fight, it was a fight he would get. As they say, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'

Hayley laughed a little before taking a glance at a nearby clock. "Well, I need to go start setting up. I'll talk to you later, Bella."

I sighed, left alone again. Of course, this is whenhis their bus pulled up. I smiled a little and waved as the other guys came off first. "Hey Mike, Butcher, Sisky, Michael. What's up?"

"Bill's all sulky-Ow!" I noticed Butcher kicked Sisky as he started to talk.

"Good for him. I missed you guys!" I exclaimed, hugging them each in turn. "It's good being back on tour with you." I said, and it was. I just happened to be really angry with their lead singer.

"Watch out, here he comes." Butcher whispered and walked past me. Oh, grand. The situation was deperately going to avoid, had happened not ten minutes after their bus reached our first venue. What a party this was turning out to be.

"Bella, look-" he started as soon as he spotted me and walked over.

"Oh, please. I don't want to hear it, whatever it is, okay? Whatever it was, you could have told me much earlier. Now, whatever insult you want to throw at me, you're welcome to, but I can come up with a better one, and I'll just end up breaking you like the stick you are, Mrs. Beckett." I threw on my old insult, and he flinched. I hadn't called him that since before we started dating. "Now, I'm going to walk away, and you're not going to talk to me, or find it neccessary to be anywhere near me unless you're told to do so by someone I give a damn about." I commanded, and left him there dumbstruck. Now this was fun.

Why can't I keep you from my heart?
Why is there nothing I can do?

Get over you, over you

Soon enough, the Panic bus showed up. I stood outside now that Bill had moped off, and waited to meet these guys. I'd heard some pretty spectacular things, and listened to some of their music, which gave them some nice clown shoes to fill, if you know what I mean.

Fortunately, as soon as they stepped off the bus, I knew there wasn't going to be a problem. They were absolutely gorgeous. Vicky-T does not lie, I thought as I approached them. One smiled at me as I got closer. In my opinion, he was the cutest one. "Hey, I'm Bella." I said, sticking out my hand.

He shook it, then stepped back. "I'm Ryan. This is Brendon, Spencer and Jon." he said, pointing to each one in turn.

The one on the right looked offended. "Hey! We can introduce ourselves, Ryan. We're not mute! I'm Brendon." he said, shaking my hand. Then, Jon and Spencer introduced themselves as well.

"I think I'll have a pretty good grasp on you guys' names by the end of this." I said with a laugh.

"Well, it only happened cause Ryan thinks you're hot." Brendon said, receiving a whack to the head from a blushing Ryan. I smiled and laughed a little as Brendon pouted, but then saw the time on my watch.

"Well, I've got to get to soundcheck. See you later, guys. Ryan." I threw a smile over my shoulder at them.

"Why'd you tell her that man?" I heard behind me. "Only cause it's true."

I smiled to myself as their argument grew too far for me to overhear. Maybe Vicky-T and Gabe were right... Maybe I wouldn't be single for long with these guys around.

I've hoped for change
It gets better everyday